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Charlotte Doyle

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Everything posted by Charlotte Doyle

  1. Lucky . . . we in the states still be waiting for Christmas Day for it to be released. I be quite lookin' forward to it. So you liked it then, Omega? I've never read the book (though I mean to), but I do know that it has a much darker tone to it than the Disney-fied animated version that most people know the story from. I'm looking forward to seeing a version of "Peter Pan" that's closer to the real thing -- although I must admit I enjoyed every Hook/Croc encounter in Disney's cartoon . . . though that was about _all_ I enjoyed in it!
  2. Actually, in the beginning of the film, Norrington is _not_ the captain of the ship that brings Swann and 'Liz'beth to Jamaica. Listen to what he says when they find the burning ship after taking in Will -- "Rouse the Captain immediately! Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats." So he's not the captain, but the lieutenant of the Navy on board. Yah -- despite being a naval officer, it seems he's begun his career as a military man, after all, so at this point if he's serving as a one-in-all type of guy, I'll be willing to accept it.
  3. Avast, don't be insultin' the good name o' "pyrate" by givin' it to the likes o' Saddam! The filthy bilge rat be below such a title! Though I must admit he be lookin' a bit Blackbeard-ish durin' the photos o' those medical examinations, before he was given a shave . . . (And really -- I believe the perfect punishment would be to subject the guy to N*Sync music videos until he's ready to talk. He'd never make it more 'n an hour or so. 'Course, you remember the story about some dictator-type guy who was claiming sanctuary in some Embassy-type-building-something-or-other? We blasted rock music at 'im for something like a week straight until he finally surrended? Yeah. )
  4. Hee . . . I be lookin' forward to it, Ryann. It's definitely going to be a few days before I see it -- I'm going out of town tomorrow to take my blasted GREs and won't be back until Friday morning -- but then I'm gonna sit down with a bowl of popcorn and some ginger ale and just have a _blast_. Character development for our dear Captain Jack? I can't wait, I love it already!!!
  5. A friend of mine, who is a huge Alan Rickman fan, suggested that Alan would make a great evil pirate -- and I'm rather inclinded to agree with her. Not that I think they'll GET Rickman for the next film (though they could, I just don't think they will), but it would work great. Don't get me wrong, I'm a mad Geoffrey Rush fan. I just don't want to see his character cheapened by having him brought "back" from the dead . . .
  6. The Depp/Verbinski commentary (which I believe is the only commentary to last through the entire film -- am I right about that?) is the reward I've been "saving" for myself for surviving my school semester. I can't wait to pop that puppy in sometime in the next few days (probably I won't get to do it until next week or so, but that's fine with me) and hear what they have to say -- particularly, of course, what Johnny Depp has to say. I'm looking forward to the Davenport/Knightley commentary too, but Depp's comments throughout PotC are going to be SO cool. Rarely in these DVD things to they ever get my favorite characters to do the commentary (it never seems to work out that way), so I am THRILLED this time around! :)
  7. I'm still in shock -- I can't believe, after all this time, that they finally got the bastard. (excuse my French) I think I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop . . . it's just so unbelievable. But fantastic. Fantastically good news. 'Ere's hoping this means that our troops can come home now . . .
  8. Duchess, I love your sig quote . . . Yayyyayyyyyy Excalibur Leather!!!! A great company to deal with; I can't recommend them highly enough. If anybody here is looking for a good pirate hat, go for it. They aren't taking any new orders until after Christmas -- but believe me, they're well worth the wait of a few weeks.
  9. Yah, wasn't it sort of ODD to hear Elizabeth calling him "Commadore" when the guy was getting ready to ask her hand in marriage for most of the movie?? (except for the one deleted scene) Poor guy.
  10. Yes, I loved finding out Norrington's first name -- up to that point, he'd been the only main character not to "have" one. So that was nice. :) When does Norrington make the comment about ice cream cones? *grins* I must have missed that interview . . .
  11. I be catchin' it on the first try, too . . . still, however, a rather neat trick. Aye, he can't be foolin' us pirates, though -- we know all about slight o' hand! It be all about drawin' their attention t' what we want them to be looking at . . . and not at what we don't want them t' be seein'.
  12. OMG, did you write this? This is amazing, absolutely class. I LOVE IT!!! >>He was ugly and fat-a right scurvy old elf so I stayed where I was and threw up on myself. For the look in his eye and the tilt of his head soon gave me to know that we soon might be dead.<< The first two lines had me laughing so hard I was nearly crying. This is amazing. _Amazing_. Thank you for posting!!! And if you wrote it -- well DONE!
  13. Write eight-page papers No real time for pirate fun Christmas Break, hurry (I won't give up the day job ;-) )
  14. Actually, I love prequels. Not the Star Wars prequels, mind you; I consider them to be the worthless steaming piles of cow dung that they are -- but OTHER prequels, yes. And I'd love to know what went on before we were introduced to our crew of PotC:TCotBP . . . though I liked best the suggestion I heard at another pirate board, which was to make the sequels as movies but come out with a line of (well-written) novels about the events that went on before "Curse of the Black Pearl." That, I thought, was an inspired idea -- Disney'll never do it, of course, but it would be totally and completely awesome. Movie sequels can be just as painful and awful as movie prequels -- it all depends on what the screenwriters and directors do. Here's hopin' that the Pearl's sequels prove to be at LEAST as entertaining as the original (if not more so). Though I will say this -- with Captain Jack Sparrow back on board, Disney is gonna have to work extra hard to make the sequels bad. I'm not saying it couldn't be done -- if movie companies put their mind to it, then can make anything bad, returning to our Star Wars prequel examples after all -- but they'd have to be really working at it, really committing to making it a bad flick. I mean, tongue-in-cheek-remarks aside -- Captain Jack is returning. It should be okay. Cross yer fingers, mates. ;-)
  15. Are they *trying* to bring back Geoffrey Rush? I love Barbossa, but the guy DIED . . . (and yes, I know the monkey grabbing the coin in the end could mean something; still, I think it would do Barbossa a disservice to bring him back for the sequel more than it would help. But I digress.) The lost Abyss . . . aye, this could be a film to me likin'. ;-) BTW, let me just say that I'm MOST thrilled that Johnny, Orlando, and Keira are coming back for the sequel(s) . . . but after that, what pleases me most is the return of the same two writers, Ted and Terry. Replacing script writers is one of the worst things a movie company can do for a film sequel -- so I'm SO happy they're bringing these two guys back. It'll make all the difference. Thanks so much to RumbaRue for the heads-up! I'll hafta keep me eye on Cinescape from now on. :)
  16. I'll hafta research a bit on Grace, then (if school ever finishes, dang it all, it'll all be over on Monday, I can make it, I can make it . . . Sigh); I'm intrigued. :) And the "Women Pirates" book sounds great. Man -- I need to find me a job over Christmas Break to finance all my pyracy merchandise needs! :angry:
  17. Scarlett and Gizelle didn't bother me as love interests, considering they . . . er, weren't exactly the pure, chase, our-love-will-last-the-ages type love. *grins* The two of them were fine with me (and I enjoyed both their characters, quick as they appeared and disappeared again in the film); that was fine with me. But I love the assessment that Jack's true love is the Black Pearl . . . of course it is. :) Glad to hear, though, that I not be the only pirate t' feel that way about our movie! :) El Pirata . . . what did you think of the scar scene? Rather int'resting, is it not? :)
  18. I hope they do. Besides having a right wondrous figurehead (love the frog) -- the ship looks to be a beauty. Here's hoping they can save her. Very glad, however, to hear that the crew all made it t' safety.
  19. I _like_ the scar scene, now. It adds to Jack's character, overall . . . but yeah, I like it much better as a deleted scene. It would have thrown off the entire tone of the film the first time I saw it, I think -- but as a deleted scene, it works great. It makes Jack seem more real -- he couldn't have led the kind of life he did without a few scars along the way, after all -- and I like, now, his ironic comment to Elizabeth: "No truth at all." So I approve. I actually really liked Commadore Norrington _before_ I saw any of the deleted scenes; he's actually one of my favorite characters. Is that bad? *grins* Oy, a pirate lass fallin' for an officer of the British Navy, what be the world comin' to these days . . . I am going to miss Barbossa in the second (and third?) films, but I think it would be doing his character a disservice if the writers tried to have him return somehow. It would cheapen the ending of the first movie to have the second one begin with us finding out Oh, no, Barbossa didn't _actually_ die, etc etc. (Michael Crichton's "The Lost World" comes to mind . . .) 240 million dollars in the first WEEK of sales. Whoa. People like this movie! :) BTW . . . anyone agree with my assessment that the entire world will totally be ruined if the writers would make the horrible horrible decision to give Captain Jack Sparrow a love interest? (I've heard it argued that Anamaria is his love interest in the first movie, and you can look at her that way -- but you don't have to, and they certainly don't wind up "together" by the end of the film, so I don't count her that way.) If I hear one mention of Jack being given a "lady love" romantic counterpart in the next movies, I won't go see 'em. No sense in ruinin' the first movie for myself if the second movie messes up his character like that . . . Why do I say this? Because Jack Sparrow represents freedom. Tying him down to some annoying female lead (and she WOULD be annoying, believe me) would just ruin everything. If I have one single, solitary hope for the next movie(s), it's that they keep the romantic aspect of the film as the relationship between Will and Elizabeth, and leave Jack's character alone that way. Or is that just me? :)
  20. Watched my PotC DVD properly for the first time on Saturday (seeing as when it came out on Tuesday, me an' me mate put it in, but we basically spent the whole film talking so I missed most of it). But truly seein' it for the first time at home, on me own TV screen . . . well, I just spent the entire film with a dopey grin on my face. I have most of the lines memorized, and I was still transfixed the whole time. There is just something about this movie. Danged if I've figured out exactly what -- but it's definitely somethin'! :) Gonna watch it again Wednesday, when I have some breathing space between papers/finals at school . . . that thought is what's keepin' me goin' this evening as I attempt to crank out a 15-page paper (halfway there!) The scene where Jack shows 'Liz'beth his scars is growing on me, BTW . . . if anyone is interested. *grins* Enough procrastinating, with me rambling on about nothing in particular! I'll spare you all now and get back to the bloody paper. *grins*
  21. I MUST get this book. Christmas break second-hand-book-shop-project for me this year, I think.
  22. I've always wanted to have a better knowledge of knots, so I may have to find me a book on the topic one of these days and learn. Never know when it could come in handy. :)
  23. Gawd, I love secondhand bookstores . . . never-ending source of treasure. :) This memoir book sounds delightful, so I'm going to have to try and find a copy of it . . .
  24. Ooh . . . I be seein' if I can find a picture of said pistol out there, then . . .
  25. There was a shot of the sword rack where the actors kept their swords in the DVD extras of the movie, and there were, indeed, several different swords for each of the major characters; in some cases, there looked to be whole slews of 'em for each character. I do remember reading somewhere that Jack Sparrow's sword is straight outta the eighteenth century, so it's probable (or at least possible) that what happened is the Sword and Stone people made several different Jack Sparrow swords for use in fight scenes or what have you, based on the eighteenth-century sword that Jack carried around otherwise. (Of course, I made up that last part on an educated guess, so I could be way off. ) Not that, after the whole hat fiasco, I could afford any of it . . . but I'd love to have Jack's pistol (or a good replica of it). His sword would also be cool, mind ya -- but I'd love to get a replica of his pistol. Or that awesome ring! :)
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