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Desert Pirate

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About Desert Pirate

  • Birthday 05/21/1978

Profile Information

  • Location
    Tucson , Arizona
  • Interests
    Parrots, Pirates ,Plunder, Tattoos , Piercings And Now Fire Eating
  1. You might want to also try The Bone RoomThe Bone Room Hope this helps
  2. Just went to the Festival site and the pic they used for the pirate weekend. They be my kids. They won the treasure hunt last year. I'll be there this year again. Hope to see some of ya there
  3. just found this on e baypipe
  4. I be wonderin if ya scurvy dog know where to get some slops or any one who makes em
  5. Damn thats big .............Sorry
  6. Here is my blue ring I need one more session on it
  7. there is a pic of my forearm on my profile . kind of hard to see but its of a tree on a clilf over looking the sea .... all put in a skin web
  8. Just got the 2nd session on a Blue Ring Octopus done yesterday. Still have one session left on it . It takes up most of my upper arm. I will try to get pics up as soon as I can
  9. Lookin' for a crew in the desert. Land locked in AZ. Tucson area
  10. Me and mine plan to be there at least one day.
  11. chainmale.com is for sale mate dead link
  12. 'ND here be Number 2 Crossword 2 'Njoy
  13. Crossword just found a site wit this on it
  14. I thought we would go with a classic and call her Grace O’Malley but thanks for all the help
  15. I just got a new parrot and I hame having a hard time trying to find a good pirate name for her. She is a green cheeck conure and just the sweetest little thing . Please help
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