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Captain Vale

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  1. I find thank'n a lady in advance be a right profitable habit in which to engage. Thanks to the Iron one! Vale
  2. As always a fine addition to yer mass o' works. Seeing as I'm a bit tardy on me readin' up... I'll take the opportunity to throw in a Happy New Year ta boot (pirate boot even...) Vale
  3. Aye that was a wicked and twisted portrayal of the Sade... practically a pirate in 'is own right!! Vale
  4. Actually saw some old posts round the net showin' that company had cast extras for the one and only Pirates o' the Carribean. Or at least put out a casting call. Vale
  5. Happy 10th... Looks like I'll be regrettin' not being there. Vale
  6. I believe some aspect of me checkered... I mean diverse path may suit yer needs. You be sure ta let ole Vale know when ye be looking for an assist. Vale
  7. Sounds like we had similar Halloween adventures... I too was advised my costume was a money maker if only I could have made it to a port! Thar be a pic of it in my profile... like to hear what ya think. (Oh yeah the avatar has a bit as well.) Vale
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