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Raven Cole

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    Washington, D.C.
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    I could tell you....but then I'd have to kill you!
  1. From the looks of it, there's just enough for me. What are the rest of you going to drink?
  2. Nice job on the video. The audio was great. Good title, Claire. With that one, certainly the theatre would be SRO.
  3. A seasick pirate.... is not a pretty sight. Glad you're better and well prepared for the next sea voyage.
  4. That is a case of some things are better left unknown (this includes mishaps with hood ornaments).
  5. DisneyLAND is in Annaheim, CA DisneyWORLD is in Buena Vista, FL (I believe those are the cities the two are located in, but I may be mistaken)
  6. Good luck to you, Penny. May your new place be filled with much happiness.
  7. I'll take that loan of powder. It'll be easier to blast the snow away than shovel it!
  8. I'm glad the parade was such a rousing success and looking forward to seeing the photographic journal of it all. I do hope you, Penny, were not injured too severely. What's a pirate without some blood strewn here and there? Hope you recover without any serious after effects.
  9. No cannon fire? That's like Christmas without Santa Claus. Hopefully it's all just that.....rumor.
  10. Great looking parade float. Smooth sailing and fair winds on its maiden voyage this weekend.
  11. For a pirate there's nothing better than the smell of gunpowder all through the day. (I did exclude the obviously better things that come to mind.)
  12. Excellent photos. Especially #8...completely kick arse pic. Shows how much fun pirating can really be.
  13. Good sailing be to the Royaliste and all on board this night. I'll be aboard in "spirit" on yer Halloween excursion or' the pacific waters. Plunder at will, ye fine pirates and survy sea dogs!
  14. Thanks for the welcome. Royaliste.....am honoured. Ghosties, ghoulies, and other ghastly things that go bump in the night.....beware.....there's more than darkness lurking around. Here's to friends known and yet met ..... and to those of nefariousness .....
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