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Calico Krys

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About Calico Krys

  • Birthday 11/30/1958

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  • Interests
    Pirates of course, Renaissance faires, dog agility
  1. I understand completely. Did you get my latest post?

  2. Sounds scary!
  3. Hey darlin..How are you? Nice to see you here, hope all is well with you! *Great Big Hugs*

  4. I just called and spoke to Jan who is in charge of the event. She asks that any coming to "stroll" the grounds contact her ahead of time and she will arrange for badges so you do not have to pay the admission to get in. I asked about "non-period" tents and she has granted me permission to bring mine as long as I am willing to take it down during the public hours which is not a problem for me. She did mention no alcohol is permitted on the grounds at all and also suggested bringing chairs if you can planning to camp as it is a beautiful facility. Looking forward to the weekend!
  5. I shall be there as well... with my bells on -- literally! Won't be able to stay long on Sunday being as it is Father's Day.
  6. Hi all! I've stepped up to help Dean out with scheduling the volunteers so if anyone wants to volunteer, shoot me an email. I know I need people for crowd control, raffle tickets, etc. Quickest way to reach me is: krystal_lazuli@sbcglobal.net Please put "Port Washington" in the subject so I open it First! Calico Krys
  7. Was a pleasure to see several of you there! Here's a link to the many photos I took. http://s54.photobucket.com/albums/g103/kry...BRISTOL%202008/ Weather permitting we shall be returning this weekend.
  8. Most assuredly shall! That is one of our typical stops during the weekend. We wander considerably.
  9. UH oh! Treatments cancelled???? Hoping I can afford the gas to make it to MNRF. At the moment, I'm still planning on a weekend up there.
  10. Aye! This was my second year of attendance at Port Washington. As mentioned, I'm with the Fool's Gold.
  11. Fabulous! That happens to be the weekend my sister and I have selected for our Bristol weekend. We shall be there both days. Hope to see many of you there!
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