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Atlantic Enchantress

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Everything posted by Atlantic Enchantress

  1. Wish I could have been there. I would love to see pix! Can you post some?
  2. Great e-card! Thanks! Cut and past is all I can figure out how do myslef, so don't feel bad! If you learn otherwise, please be sure and let me know how! :)
  3. Thank you, Cap't Coyote. I am still fumbling my way around here!
  4. Too bad there wasn't an easier way than by reading profiles, because then people are missed, or forgotten about when the date actually comes! Mine isn't until next year. 2/10/77 is my date of birth. To everyone that has celebrated a birthday this past year, I will you a Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
  5. How about a section with all member's birthdates listed in date (not year LOL) order? This way everyone can be wished a happy one on their special day! What do all you pirates think of this idea?
  6. The worst movie ever has to be The Three Amigos!!! Others are: A Fish Called Wanda The Accidental Tourist
  7. Perhaps you will find better luck on a yahoo search. Just type in "lyrics The Mermaid Song" (without the quotes!) You may find other versions of this song on kazaa.com Good luck to you.
  8. to my signature, but I cannot figure out how to do this! It seems as though I can't use an on-line photo album, or can I?
  9. It is time for me to go, and I will leave you with this: The Mermaid She rises from the ocean golden moon drawn into numinous wet skin She rises, body swaying to rhythms of rolling waves She rises, from the depths hair caressing a perfect bosom in a cascade of dripping brown curls She then begins to sing with a voice so hypnotic, mercurial arousing the hidden chords of a lonely pirate's being. Goodnight. Please feel free to email me
  10. Why thank you, Capt'n Coyote! It is a pleasure to make your aquaintance
  11. WOW! Awsome page!!
  12. Thank you, El Pirata! Hopefully I will better learn to use the web one of these days LOL! I've posted to your story about the chalk drawing, what a jerk!
  13. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post, El Pirata and Lady Seahawke. Thank you for the compliment, El Pirata, on the aviatar I chose, it is beautiful, isn't it! I've visited your web page, and I think it's fantastic! I hope to meet many more people here. The site is great. Now, I just have to learn my way around, etc. How did you add that photo to your signature btw? I have another great mermaid one I would like to add to mine I hope to meet up with you both again soon. As for me, r/t, I am too small to be taken seriously as a pirate, so the life of a mermaid is what I have chosen. I am 26, and only stand at 5'2" tall and weigh 95lbs. I do believe that my natural assets are something that a pirate would admire, however Until another time then.
  14. I am called the Atlantic Enchantress, and I am new to this forum. I would like to say a friendly hello to everyone! Would you all mind telling me about yourselves?
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