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Atlantic Enchantress

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Posts posted by Atlantic Enchantress

  1. I went to Burger King to buy myslef one of those Spongebob watches that they are selling for $1.99 (I am a HUGE fan of Spongebob Squarepants!)

    Ok, the first two I went to were sold out, then I was able to try 7 more, and all sold out! So now I am really obsessed with getting one (you ALWAYS want what you can't have!

    I went on ebay and they are selling for about $20 apiece! What is the deal?

  2. The Flame and The Flower by Kathleen Woodiwiss

    (My mistake, this wasn't the book where she was swimming in the sea, she was captured on the streets of London by the Captain Brandon Birmingham's men....)


  3. does anyone else here ever fantasize/romantisize about living in the days when pirates sailed the seas, when life was much simpler; no cars, phones, computers.... When a man ran his household and the woman stayed home to take care of her husband and children AND liked it! No worrying about credit card bills, mortgages, car payments, electric bills, insurance.....

    I guess I just need an escape from reality once in awhile! My best way is to read some historical romances, especially ones involving pirates! I just finished an amazing one, where a rogue pirate captured a beautiful woman who was swimming in the sea near her castle, even though she was told to stay away from the waters because of pirates.

    The pirate captain was intoxicated by her beauty, and wanted her more because of her resistance towards him. After much back and forth and adventure, the pirate finally takes his captive's virginity by force, but in truth, she was as much enamoured with him, and wanted him as much as he wanted her...

    To be honest, I have really learned alot about history, terms, etc from these types of books. Aside from being a great escape from reality sometimes, they are also....educational!

    If anyone can recommend some good historical romances, I would appreciate it! I'm due to begin another book LOL!

  4. Tell me, if'n ye please, be ye the dominant ones in your relationships with the opposite sex? I imagine the likes of a pirate would be....

    Or, perhaps ye fancy t'be? Tell me then!

    For the male pirates, be honest here, I don't believe ye'all are women's libbers!!


  5. Very interesting reading! I am a very big fan of the notorious Blackbeard. I have some facts about him that I am wondering if are correct.

    He was born Edward Drummond, grew to be a very tall and very handsome man. He always had his choice of the ladies from what I understand, because of his rakeish good looks! I also believe that he had never killed anyone, until his final battle, when, for the first time ever, he took a life. Afterwards he was beheaded, his hdad hung from the bow of a nemesis ship (?).

    It is believed that to this day, Blackbeard's headless ghost roams the shore searching for his head.

    Does anyone have anymore information about this man? Privateer? Pirate?

  6. I've missed being here, and missed many of you. I am trying to get myself going on the right track again.

    Short story, I lost my dad when I was 12, and my mom when I was 16. All I had was my sister, who was also my best friend. She too recently passed a few months ago. Cancer just got the better of her.

    So, now I am left to swim alone through the sea, hoping to stay in the right current and not drift away.

    Thanks to those who never gave up on me!

  7. Congratulations to you!

    Depending on what ocean you are sailing, how about

    "Pacific Paradise" or "Atlantic Demons" or "Terror of the Seas"

    or there is always the "Atlantic Enchantress" LOL!

    Good Luck

  8. Hello Mates! Thanks you for your concern Jenny! I am doing well, just so busy lately. I have alot of schoolwork that is due before this semester is over. Another two weeks, and I am free until the end of January! Am hoping to get to Killington for a few days skiing then! May even be able to ski down my driveway after this storm is done with us!

    El Pirata, thanks for letting Jenny and the others know I was still around LOL! It is always great hearing from you.

    And, my dear Royalist, may I guess that you have a slight interest in Miss Jenny? :rolleyes:

  9. Finding Nemo, a great movie to buy for your daughter!

    Crush, a very cool turtle!

    (slowly drawling) "yo Dude, my name is Crush"

    Once again I ahve to say how much I love the painting! Great job! Sometimes you just have to do something fun for yourself!! :)

  10. Wish I could have been there! Looks like a great time!

    Thanks for posting such amazing pictures! You couldn't have gotten a better day! We hear on the coast of the Northern Atlantic haven't seen a sky so blue in an eternity!

    It's also nice to see what the people really look like here!

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