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Everything posted by CheChe

  1. Not so fast, Sir. I thought the debate was fascinating. I read valid points from all camps. Sure, it's been discussed before and this won't be the last time. I read every post and enjoyed them all. I learned a few things, too. I learned it's time for me to sell my Queen Anne pistol. *LOL* I see no reason why this thread should be deleted. It was a great discussion.
  2. Really ? Um, where is this forum of which you speak ? Sounds like fun .
  3. i saw it last night. it was interesting to see what the life of a ship captain was like. not much time for playing for those men. all business.
  4. R E V O L U T I O N
  5. that was fun
  6. has the birthday boy passed out yet where are strippers?
  7. ok the party's over move along now
  8. Elvis
  9. fuses duck tape pipes c4 stuff like that
  10. Barquentine ! CheChe missed you . i's not carve 'suck it' into your figurehead.
  11. Ozzy
  12. happy birthday all !!
  13. my hero
  14. Happy Birthday Captain Seaskull. Viva la Revo!
  15. a chicken
  16. happy birthday
  17. i's hears an echo happy birthday happy birthday
  18. come and shut if for me you chicken loving wench
  19. happy birthday
  20. i's don't know. maybe? was playing with name similarities this who CheChe talks about: Dale Chihuly's Website i's thinks he is a real artist looks like a pirate arrrr
  21. CheChe >tried< to make joke, but missed . should be talking real pirates but some artist have the dirty work done for them i gets news from his studio monthly . can't afford his work Dale's studio that is, not Cthulhu's ! let us speak of real piracy here
  22. i's sure we can come up with something she's a strange one
  23. thank you! i am a big fan of glass art, and he is a supurb glass artist. my avatar is a photo from the Atlantis Hotel & Casino at Paradise Island in the Bahamas. a wonderful place Dale Cthulhian rocks. i don't think he is a pirate.
  24. fast on the edit button a mighty power to be sure
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