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About CheChe

  • Birthday 09/06/1969

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    Revolution! Spinning yarn and making woolies. Roaring fires and cheap wine. Bad boys and bumpy roads. Hub caps and road maps. Spilling blood and licking wounds. And pirating everything I can get my hands on. And Revolution! The smell of Revolution in the air!
  1. Not so fast, Sir. I thought the debate was fascinating. I read valid points from all camps. Sure, it's been discussed before and this won't be the last time. I read every post and enjoyed them all. I learned a few things, too. I learned it's time for me to sell my Queen Anne pistol. *LOL* I see no reason why this thread should be deleted. It was a great discussion.
  2. Really ? Um, where is this forum of which you speak ? Sounds like fun .
  3. i saw it last night. it was interesting to see what the life of a ship captain was like. not much time for playing for those men. all business.
  4. R E V O L U T I O N
  5. that was fun
  6. has the birthday boy passed out yet where are strippers?
  7. ok the party's over move along now
  8. Elvis
  9. fuses duck tape pipes c4 stuff like that
  10. Barquentine ! CheChe missed you . i's not carve 'suck it' into your figurehead.
  11. Ozzy
  12. happy birthday all !!
  13. my hero
  14. Happy Birthday Captain Seaskull. Viva la Revo!
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