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Red Heather

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  • Location
    Shreveport, LA
  1. Awful thoughtful of Hawkyns not to forget 'bout the lasses on this here pub board! Now the fun part, gettin' my capn to help measure me. Oh cap'n......................................
  2. Happy Birthday to one Lass from another!!! Pull up a keg, the drinks are on me!!!!
  3. With a sticker like that, I's could all kind of uses for 'em...any ideas 'bout getting our pretty paws on some?????
  4. me be glad to e-mail ye that answer. Ya'll might know one another all ready. E-mail me some info. about yerself if'n ye don't mind.
  5. me own dad was at the same place.
  6. For me wench's costume, Butterick P380 pattern did fine. The entire pattern for the dress, vest, and skirt had only 9 pieces. Fer me captain's costume, we used Simplicity 5958 (view A) for the jacket and pants with some minor changes. Both worked out really well. In fact, caught the Butterick pattern on sale at JoAnn's fabric store for 99 cents -- normal price is $16. Wish ye luck!!!!!!
  7. Happy Birthday to ye mate!
  8. Happy birthday to ye matey!!!!
  9. Not one meself but I am in the O.E.S. Redd Oktober, a true Mason can not openly ask someone to be a one or to join. I can tell you that 'cause I'm a lady. Some people might have seen a bumper sticker--To B 1-ask 1 with the masonic emblem. That's what it means, someone has to ask to join. Of all the Masons that I've known in me life-they would admit to it freely. Any questions, ask me. If'n I don't know the answer, me's find it for ye.
  10. Would like to wish all fellow mates a great Halloween! May ye find pure gold in all plunderings today!! Here's a grusome e-card to send to yer fellow mates and it's free too!! Need Flash to view though. Great for the plundering! Has anyone seen others that's to the liking? http://www.usagreetings.com/cgi-bin/usa_di...wf_092900_5.gif sorry for cuttin' & pastin-not sure how to do a hyperlink for the forum
  11. Happy Birthday to ye mate!!!!! May ye find pure gold in yur plunderings today! Top off your tankard and celebrate!
  12. Happy Birthday Cap'n Thomas B. !! May ye have a smooth sailing day and find plenty of booty in all your plundering today!! This wrench could perhaps serve you a couple of jugs of her finest rum. (Breathing heavily........) R.H.
  13. Happy Birthday to ya Cap'n. Let this wench serve ya some glorious rum.
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