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Capn Bob

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Posts posted by Capn Bob

  1. Well, scupper me hide...I've been to that museum, a cunning little place it is, too. I'd like to see more goodies in the gift shop, but that's a minor consideration. I've visited Nassau twice now, by way of Carnival Pride. Next cruise, I'm planning on taking out a day pass for the British Colonial Hilton, which stands on the site of the old Fort Nassau, what Hornigold and Neddy Teach renovated for their use...

  2. Aye, mark me down on the Morgan's Private Stock list...I explain to me more lubberly colleagues here at library that it's like being smashed in the mouth with a fistful of vanilla beans...but in a *good* way...

    Besides...its easy to find. Can't lay hooks on Pyrat here, scupper me hide...

  3. I have heard that, in some cases, after the miscreant had...dangled...a bit, his friends were permitted to pull down on his legs to shorten his sufferings. A good period source for hangings is the Newgate Calender. You can find some selected stories here...


    and you can download the entirei Calender to read at your leisure here... http://www.exclassic...ate/ngintro.htm

    Capn Bob tastelessly sings: "He's swinging in the rain...just swinging in the rain..."

  4. Well, let's see...the conflict over Kent Island between Virginia and Maryland had accusations of pyracy flying around...http://www.kentisland.com/kent-island-history.php

    And despite the likes of Nicholson and Spotswood, scupper them, hunting down poor pirates, ye had the likes of James Blair doing deals with South Seas buccaneers such as Edward Davis to get money for his college, William and Mary...

    http://www.davisclearinghouse.com/stories.htm about a third of the way down...

    So, add Virginia and Maryland onto the list...

  5. Umm...I really think it was Bonny Anne (Anne Bonney) who is reputed to have said "If you'd have fought like a man you needn't hang like a dog", and not Mary Read. And the tales of heated orgies betwixt the three of them is just focsle gossip, belike...

    Too bad Edward James Olmos isn't a woman. According to Wicked Jim's theory, he would be perfect.

    Hollywood isn't about to use a woman with a bad complexion in such a role. It doesn't play well with the general public. I remember seeing Shrek with a girl and she didn't like the movie because Fiona "turned ugly" at the end of the story. And this was not a vapid, flighty girl but a woman with a Masters degree and more than a little savvy.

    Although I never thought Emma Stone was stunning or anything. She's just got that fiestiness about her that would work with lines like "If you'd have fought like a man you needn't hang like a dog" (Yes, yes, it's Read's line.) while still having the humor to see what Depp saw in his character. OTOH, if you wanted to make her deadly serious, you'd probably want a different actress. OTOOH, if you wanted to make her deadly serious, you wouldn't put her in a POTC movie.

  6. I've got that movie (the absolute best version of the Musketeers, in my not at all humble opinion) on my list for birthday goodies. If I don't get it for me birthday (April 21), I'll be ordering it meself...

    While I have to agree that Hobbs Work in "The Count Of Monte Christo" is great

    I have to say that my favorite stuff is from the 1976 Richard Lester Films of "The Three & Four Musketeers". If you are a William Hobbs fan this is a must see..also a must see for Hobbs Fans is The Duelists"...The sword play is great and each "Dual" is in a different style....

    Plus seeing Harvey Keital in Pig Tails is a scream)

  7. Speaking as someone who works in a library...didja take the book back yet?

    Just finished Crusade in Europe Eisenhower's memoir of World War II.

    This was one of the most detailed views of strategic command in war that I personally have come across. The page count (478) doesn't do justice to the raw amount of information in this book. (Thanks in no small part to the small font and large pages as compared to more moderen books.) I also must admit that I really wanna "lose" this book onto my own shelves and pay the library the replacement cost. Don't get me wrong I'm not going to but its really tempting as it not only appears to be a first edition but it has a wierd plastic punch card that just screams early computer cataloging system. Did I mention it has that smell of old book about it. Ugh, back to the library it must go.

    Capn. Bob,


  8. Takin' off me pirate hat and puttin' on me flintknapper's leather gloves for a minute...I suppose it would depend on just how far inland the artifact was...I can see the...umm...point (cough), but if the ballast was dumped just offshore, that might not account for its presence up the hills, as it were.

    Of course, what with glaciation and sea levels being lower, many of those islands may have been connected.

    Gloves off and Ishi Stick down now...

    Hummmm... using the "But we can identify ancient Neanderthal presence through the distinctive Mousterian stone tools that they left behind, which have been found on the coastal Greek islands..."

    What if a stone tool or two was picked up at an ancient campsite by a coastal trader seeking ballast in 800 BC and moved as ship's ballast to be off loaded on an offshore island and this same event occurred again in 200 AD moving one of these stone tools to yet another isle would the existance of two stones on different islands prove a migration pattern???

    Jas. Hook :unsure:

  9. Mad Capn Bob sings: "Hunting tigers out in India...Out in, Out in...Out in India...YAH!"

    I just finished African Game Trails by Theodore Roosevelt. A good read though not as "excited" as a modern writer would lay out. In addition the outright racism of the age was quite staggering. Even more so considering that for his time T.R. was something of a progressive on racial issues indeed his appointments of black men to government posts was a continuous source of political angst throughout his administration. All this being said however the descriptions of his and Kermit's hunts left me eyeing my gun cabinet and dreaming of African plains.

  10. Hey, I got that book!

    See "X Marks the Spot, the Archeology of Piracy" chapter 13 "Pirate Imagery", page 274 for a discussion on the evolution of Blackbeard's image. This is what I was referring to.

    I would have copied the relevent text but after Swachbuckler 1700's post I'm finished with this thread. This is why I went from checing the Pub daily to once every few weeks.

  11. I'm wondering...has anyone ever gone through, I mean, *really* gone through, the Alexander Spotswood papers? I'm assuming that Maynard, blast his eyes, would have delivered up any ship's logs he may have found to the Governor, along with the papers incriminating Tobias Knight, et al...

    Or, considering Blackbeard's ship at the time was the sloop Adventure, and not the Queen Anne's Revenge, would he still have logs dealing with the QAR just laying about, as it were?

    Inquiring minds want to know...

    (Even Foxe makes mistakes...)

    I resemble that remark!

    No, Johnson's far from perfect, and I've never yet read a book on pirate history that I couldn't pick some hole in or other, including my own.

    Is Blackbeard's journal entry authentic? It doesn't seem right to me, but I realise what a terrible basis that is for an argument. If Blackbeard's journal had survived then it would most likely have been stored in the records office at Williamsburg VA, which suffered several fires before anyone really thought to look there for Blackbeard related stuff. Maynard doesn't mention finding a journal specifically, but he is known to have recovered several documents from the Adventure, which conceivably could have included the journal. Of course, even if Maynard did recover Blackbeard's journal it doesn't follow that Johnson really quoted from it. I will say this however, the Blackbeard journal entry is the only journal "quoted" in the GHP, and if any pirates' journal was likely to have survived it would have been Blackbeard's (because we do know that other incriminating documents were recovered from his ship). I don't believe it myself, but I'm not prepared to rule it out.

  12. Since me British ancestor, Richard Curtis ("Ol' Dickie") came to the colonies from Reading Eng. in 1637, and likely still had family there during the Siege of Reading, I been reading up on the English Civil War. Me current reads are:

    "Cromwell's war machine : the New Model Army, 1645-1660" / Keith Roberts

    "Naseby : the decisive campaign" / Glenn Foard

    Oh yes...Pym and Liberty!

  13. Scupper yer hide, now I've come over all hungry!

    I think I missed this in October, though I have seen links to tactical bacon. My idea of tactical bacon is a trebuchet and a pig farm. Nothing hurts like being hit by pig hurled several miles through the air. You can kill your enemy with flying pigs and then cook the ammunition in celebration.

  14. In honor of my English Civil War era ancestors, I've been reading (get ready)..."All the King's Armies", Stuart Reid..."The King's War", C.V. Wedgwood..."The Tyrannicide Brief", Geoffrey Robertson...and I've also been reading "History of Thatcham", old book from 1901...have an old family connection to the place.

  15. Got me a new little game for Christmas. I must admit that, after taking a couple of cruises, I've got me a liking for slot machines, and there's plenty of computer games to that effect. I got one for Xmas, called "Blackbeard's Revenge". Many of the slots on it are pirate oriented...how can you go wrong with "Blackbeard's Pirate Gameshow"? For those curious, here's a link...


    A downside to the game is that any doubloons ye win are only virtual doubloons, which will buy ye virtually...nothing. Scupper me hide!

  16. Ah, there be many what would give a treasure fleet to know the answer to the fickleness question. It be as mysterious as why women go to restroom in company. Anyway, ye be welcome here...

    Did ye bring any rum?

    as long as people don't post pictures of them in their throngs :lol:

    And in unwashed throngs at that. :blink::o:D

    Welcome aboard, Eric and the LandlubbersAnonymous.

    Jas. Hook ;)

    Thanks very much.

    (I'll make sure this gets passed along to our washer woman.)

    Incidentally, we're still in the early stages of getting our kit together and I anticipate an uphill battle with the whole garb business. For example, I found what I thought was a nice period throng at the local thrift store a couple weeks ago but when I got it home, the missus seemed appalled by the bloody thing. Why are women so fickle?

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