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Capt. Bill Gunn

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Everything posted by Capt. Bill Gunn

  1. Capt. Gunn will represent the South Florida Pirates. Cell 954-557-8857 We have reistered most of the crew who will be participarting in the re-enactments. I have word the safety meeting is at 9:30 am on Saturday and Sunday at the fort. Most of us will be arriving on Friday the 5th. Please send me an e-mail if you wish to contact us before hand. kevinmac@mindspring.com Fair wind and following seas. Capt. Bill Gunn
  2. Arrr, don't know who they were and since it's all tide water now we can only look ahead. I do recall the Kings man had to yank an pull on one of our cutlass but to no avail, it was solidly tied in as were they all. Maybe an advanced parley with them so we have an accord should be considered. Capt. Bill Gunn
  3. Greeatings Brethren, Last year the parade on Saturday evening seemed to be a great success. I want to open this thread to ask for comments, ideas, constructive criticism, or collaboration for 08' By my count we had close to 80 pyrates on foot and on the ship. It looks like there shall be many more this year. One note: The SFP crew carried our swords and pistols in the parade. All securely peace tied I might add. Shortly after we arrived on Duval St. and the parade disperssed, we had an encounter with one of the King's constables. He was less than polite and wanted to put us all in the brigg unless the weapons disappeared instantly. He also informed us that he was contacting his fellow enforces to rouste the bars for others who may be sporting such accoutraments. We made the offending hardware disappear but not without some further harrassement. Did anyone else encounter such treatment or was it our misfortune to err in retaining our steel onto Duval St.? On the evening prior we had no such encounter. I appreciate any honest and informative feedback. Capt. Bill Gunn
  4. I just finished reading through the thread. ( Yes, I can read). Here's a thought. Instead of letting a small one fire a flint or cannon, what about letting them yell "FIRE" for the first round of cannon or flint during the taking of the fort, or when it is defended. The wee one becomes part of the crew and given an offical parcment designating him/her as a ships gunner. This way there is no liability and they feel like part of the action. They can be kept out of the way while the action continues. Capt., Bill Gunn
  5. Ahoy Mates, The South Florida Pirates will be attending en mass this coming December. Last year some of you may remember us. We were the 8 overdressed pirates in the parade. We also spent some time at the fort getting to know a few of you. This year we hope to be 20+ strong. Just so everyone knows we do several fundraisers each year for Joe DiMaggio's Children's Hopsital in Hollywood, Fl. That's the reason we take on historic pirates names, persona, and dress like we are going to a formal dance. I am sure you know how hot all that garb is. This year we will be dressing down for the fort but back up for the parade and Duval Street. We are looking forward to making new aquaintances and friends, as well as learning more for our merry band of brethren. In attendance for 2008: Blackbeard and Sadie Capt. Daniel Defoe and Arabella Drummond Captain Hook and Lady Rita Long John Silver and Lady Charlotte Sir Henry Morgan ( Bill Gunn) and Castaway Claire Calico Jack We have at least 10 more who are having identity crisis so I shall not name then at this time. Please feel free to call on us for anything you may need. We are only a short ( 4 hour) drive away and will be coming down on Friday the 5th. Anyone arriving early who needs us to pick up anything please contact me. As we get closer to December I will post my contact information or you can reach us at the group website: www.southfloridapirate.com Calm Seas and Following Winds Bill Gunn
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