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Captian Wolfy Wench

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About Captian Wolfy Wench

  • Birthday 04/10/1986

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    Lesseeee... I'mma multi-faceted kinda lass. <br><br>Pirates, of course, Pirates of the Caribbean, costuming, drawing, animals, anime, Star Wars, the X-Files, movies, Ewan McGregor, comics (Daredevil), Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, the Matrix, videogames, the internet, cabin boys, spending more money than I have, etc.

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  1. Exactly for what I was looking for! 'Cept they're sold out of the wrist shackles! Thanks for the eBay terms though, I think I needed to know how to look for 'em. :)
  2. Did a search, but I didn't see anything come up. I know shackles be the bane of a pyrate's existence, but I want 'em for me costume. Anyone know a site online that makes period-style chains n' shackles, particularly for the wrists? Anything to point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance, me fellow rogues!
  3. I already like wot I see in Davy Jones n' his marine piratey crew. A shark pyrate, now that's cool! Gotta give me congrats to ILM, Iron Bess. They be doin' fyne work.
  4. I seen those Ology books, might hafta get me a copy o' tha' new piratey one.
  5. Holeeee, Red William! Ye've got yer own armoury, all them blades! Awesome collection.
  6. I can't wait for this! The History Channel always does things like this before the big movies come out. I remember watching one for King Arthur. It was hosted by Ioan Gruffudd. Mmm.
  7. On a pirate flag, simplicity is key. I like the first one too, but I also like the one with the canon, since it's different than most others. But simplify it more, I guess, if you want to use it or the two below it. :)
  8. VERY nice art. Love it! Wish I was good with an airbrush.
  9. I hear the road is winding and terrifying - and I'm afraid of heights!
  10. Day after Pirates 2 opens, eh? Maybe I can swing that! I'll be at Southen on Sunday, maybe I'll see ye.
  11. I saw MI:III and I didn't get the trailer! Nor the Superman Returns teaser! :angry: However, I downloaded it off a site, so it's all good, I can watch it fifty times over.
  12. I've also seen 'em at Hot Topic! Davy Jones looks great, and so does Jack. Can't say as much for Will. :/
  13. Some of us here have been following the development of PotBS for a few years now. :) I just went to E3 and saw the game in action. Let me say it looks awesome. A huge focus on ship battles as opposed to character (avatar) battles.
  14. I hear from a friend who knows the entire movie by heart now... that the story is amazing. There is a lot of new humour, capitalizing on Johnny's Depp's awesome performance. I don't think we'll be let down. :)
  15. LMAO! Personally, I think the ladies look great wif swords, so I never leave without mine.
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