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Lady Elaina

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Everything posted by Lady Elaina

  1. Sounds like fun.. can't wait..
  2. I really hate it when I post images on here and they dont stay..... anyways xmas cant come soon enough.. I have to see this fine Captain on the big screen!!!!! yer al welcome
  3. For the Lasses who might enjoy some eyecandy... Here ya go my Ladies!!! Hook EyeCandy Album
  4. I really like this song.. being that I am a mermaid...
  5. And I do love yer poetry!!!
  6. Yes I know.. they did one casting call here too 5 blocks from my house
  7. I am Lady of the Sea...I would not mind being snatched by a fine Captain.....
  8. mermaids wear shells in place of the bodice... but it sounds good anyways lool..
  9. Anyone here joining up with Gaspar's Krewe this coming year??? The big day is February 7th 2004.
  10. Ahhh.. I love this topic... since I happen to live on it.... (Treasure Island). Kinda dissapointing though.. not a Pirate Ship in site here on the Isle.. but plenty of parrots....
  11. Thank you!!!! It took forever to make.. hope to not have to do that again anytime soon......'
  12. Here is a link to my website with my costume photos ...... Go to the Costuming section of it at the bottom.. it has some of my costumes so far.. Titanic, Disney etc... Pirate ones are commin my honor as a Lady and a Pirate Lass!!!!! www.gabriellestars.com/stars.html
  13. I am making my own costumes this year for PIP. The hardest part so far is the 17th century bodice for the gown. I had to fit myself 15 times... I be going mad!!! The end result is beautiful though.
  14. I am trying to finish my costume that I will be wearing to PIP. Its taking alot of beading and hand sewing to finish it. The pics will be on the PIP site when it is done.!! Gabriella
  15. Wow Captain Vale.. your costume is awesome!! The costume I wore I made myself .. and just like the one from the movie. I wish I could have competed in it at the Don Cesar .. my usual spot. I have one different prizes there a couple of times. But had to work... Hey Captain Vale are you going to the Pirates in Paradise event this year??
  16. PS I saw a miniature Captain Hook and went crazy and had to get my picture with him... he was about 2 years old.. but his costume was so authentic... dark wig and all...he was too adorable in his red velvet waist coat!! Yes it is definately the year of the Pirate... all though I think this is going to keep going into the next year with the new Peter Pan movie coming out and the 100 years Gasparilla Celebration in February. And living in Florida is a nice perk tooo.. Pirates seem to never go out of style!!
  17. I was a pirate all weekend... I had to do a promotion for my work and we had a huge festival.... so they asked me to be Elizabeth Swan .. I will have pics when I get them.... It was kind of tough wearing that corset for 9 hours under a tapestry dress lol. But truly beautiful. Gabriella
  18. I cant wait to go, sounds like a lot of fun! Gabriella
  19. Just wondering if anyone is going to the Drake Raid in St. Augustine in 2004... or maybe have been to it before. Just trying to get more info about it. Any thoughts? Gabriella Elaina
  20. Ya..... that figures about Disney..
  21. Hello everyone! This will be my first year attending the Festival in Key West. I am very excited to sail into new uncharted waters. See you all there! Gabrielle Elaina
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