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About surlyjane

  • Birthday 10/29/1970

Profile Information

  • Location
    vancouver bc
  • Interests
    vintage collecting, rockabilly, sock monkeys, anything piratical, drinking and dancing, my '63 fairlane
  1. i be workin on entire vestiments for 13 at present... all for me pending nuptials. time to nick me a slave methinks. 5 dresses, 9 chemises, 4 stomachers, no way i'm makin the corsets, 5 pairs of breeches... the fabric for me coat cost me 80.00 for 2 metres! eeesh! i just made a dash of one from a rather wretched early eighties black felt business lady's hat. big floppy brim with wire... required some bending/reshaping, some plumes and some trim but looks great! good luck! now what about shoes??? [ j ]
  2. oh, and it's slipped me mind... according to legend, my first forefather to come to canada on me ma's side washed ashore from a shipwreck... clinging to a half-full barrel of rum. damn, i so hope that story is true! [ j ]
  3. well as a wee lass i grew up with the salt spray on me face. i miss those nautical days... no seamen jokes now if you will! [ j ]
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