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About Perkeo

  • Birthday 01/10/1969

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    Strong Badia
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    Me story: I was the captain of a grand ship called The Prize. Me crew and I went ashore for some much needed leave. We had been drinking for some time when I got asked to join a card game. At the end of the game I lost me ship. Later in a fit of depression. I was playing a game of darts with the owner of the pub. I was doing really well and he kept raising the bet the drunker I got. Finally, he bet his pub. I needed 3 bulls to win. He poured me a double and offered a toast before me turn. I drank up and threw me 3 darts all landing in the center of the bulls eye. Me first mate grabbed up the deed to the pub and put it in safe hands. So, now I'm shipless but own a pub. If me crew ever sobbers up we'll go after me ship. Until then we are the Pyrates of the Pub.

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  1. DRUNKEN BAR FIGHT: Go to your profile, the first 8 friends at the left of your profile screen in order-Who starts the fight: Christopher FarnsleyHit someone 1st with a bar stool: Chris GraburnFalls off bar stool: Dallas McKinneyHit someone with empty bottle: Patricia VanArsdaleGets hit for no reason: Charlie CarlsonThrows somebody out the window: Afira RatliffThrown out the window: Josh WellsThe sissy who calls the cops: George Starkey

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