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Everything posted by crow

  1. The name crow seems to have followed me for some years now the name were given to me by me best friend an it just sort of stuck . My hair colour at the tyme were black that seems to be changin though , and the fact that I have a fondness fer shiny objects and I suppose the fact that I'll eat near about anything . It could also be influenced be me singin voice although to me it seems fine after a wee bit of rum . Being involved in fur trade buckskinning the name just seems to fit an so Crow I am in real life an otherwise . :)
  2. Fire ball .....
  3. Puss in ... thats what first comes to me mind .
  4. There once was a sailor from Bristol who's member was hard as a pistol , he would try fer a Lass with a nice round firm a$$ but he was innevitably left with his fist full ...
  5. I am rather fond of the song Barrett's privateers and I believe it shares some parallels with todays Canadian navy ...
  6. Well as I can fathom a woman should be comfortable with herown self an she should be of solid construction as skinny women have no stammina , resorseful an energetic be able to endure long abstences of me self as when we are often away fer long periods fishin " cough cough .."Be able to whatch yer back in a bar fight even though she may have caused said fight to start with. An a large purse of gold crowns might also be atractive as well . Oh yeah teeth ,, good teeth are also an asset . :)
  7. Bwahahahaha Har Har Har... but it hurts like the Devil when good rum squirts out yer nose ... I has to thank whoever fer the comic relief though This feller might have some ocean front property in Arizona at a good price as well ... Well ya can't blame him fer tryin gold is gold after all .
  8. You tend to use archaic nuatical phrases in yer day to day work . "crack on more sail we're going to be late ."
  9. One of me best mates drew my name in a gift exchange an damned if he couldn't ta picked a better gift " Mutiny ..." a game o rum an riches by a feller named Kevin Wilson. The game piece illustrations are by Don Maitz an as I lay to it the character of the Pilot is none other than our own mate Cascabel . I haven't had the time to play yet but I figure this weekend we will take a run at her on suday night at the pub. Anyone else played this game yet ? It looks like it'll be a lot o fun .
  10. Aye Harbour Master I think that you have the right of it . I have read David Cordingly's books and he seems to be a right thorough bloke as to his reference materials . Most of the listings at the back of his books tend to take up about a quarter of the books .
  11. torredoes tunnel through the ships treenailed planking .
  12. P is fer pyrates picking plantains in Panama ..
  13. J is fer junk full o pyrates in the south China sea .
  14. Aye Cap'n Flint I think ye has the right of it when we post it should be a fair exchange of ideas or information or at least be entertaining , that being me own point o view I am sure there are a few folks what might agree .
  15. E is fer eager Edward teach entertained by shootin his mates .
  16. Why Mister Hawkins yer a right handy feller to have onboard , yer a bottomless well of knowledge ye are . I would put thee forward for Quartermaster that I would sir . :)
  17. One of me favourites is ye could ask em if his mother had any kids that lived ! :)
  18. T is a topped up Tankard with terrific rum.
  19. K would be fer Knots to keep track o yer nauts and yer distance an tyme .
  20. As I have always loved the sea and I can't remember a time where I didn't love tall ships an the culture that goes with em . I don't believe age is the question , the question is the sinserity of those wishing to gain knowledge of the tymes an the traditions of things nautical . Them other ropeyarn mother pleasers what tries to pass themselves off as pyrates will show themselves for what they are quick enough an they won't last long when the rest o the crew shuns them . There is a a lot of knowledge and information here for those who are interested and the rest will evetually get bored an head back to their rpg soon enough .
  21. I lay to it L is for lead fer soundin fer shallow waters .
  22. Jack it's good to see yer smilin face again welcome back I've missed yer sober witt an yer cheerful demeanor Har Har Har .... .
  23. I knows he were cheatin cause he weren't playin the cards I dealt him... Har Har har ...
  24. Bein as I am an avid re-enacter and a serious outdoorsman , I have learned to survive in the woods and I enjoy camping rough , I don't think that I would have a great deal of difficulty surviving in the 1700's -1800's era . Food is not a problem as I will eat anything that walks crawls swims or flies and as long as I have clean water and a dry place to crash I am a happy camper .
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