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Tiny Tillie Sparks

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  1. *fires off cannon salute!* Greetings, sea dogs! I'm new here, as you can tell by having never seen hide nor hair o' me afore now, but I wanted to play. I'd like to see Keifer Sutherland (looking like he did in Disney's 3 Musketeers) vs. Antonio Banderas as the villian. And I bet they'd be okay in a movie, too. For wenches, I want Michelle Rodriguez and Eliza Dushku. Their tough and I bet the guys wouldn't cry about having to look at them, either. Then I'd really love a score consisting of late '80's-early '90's rock songs, but with an orchestra. A classical rendition of Welcome to the Jungle or ...And Justice For All would be undeniably kick ass. At least, I think it's undeniable - any objections?
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