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Thomas B.

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Everything posted by Thomas B.

  1. We plan on visiting the Four winds Faire this weekend south of Tyler. Are there any others who attend this event. We will be there on the 15th. Hope to see some of you there. Here is the link. www.fourwindsfaire.com
  2. Plan on goping, maybe stay with my sister.
  3. A beautiful ship and a star to sail'r by................thanks
  4. For those of you who have seen Master and Commander, did you notice the scene below decks where half the crew are smoking pipe's and i didn't see a cap on any, is it accurate ? Did i miss something ?
  5. would be a pleasure to entertain such as you. Let us know next time you will be in and we'll have a get together.
  6. i be not a member of the Scottish Rite in Shreveport but belong to everything else. Wish i had known you would be there, we could have met Sunday for lunch. Let us know if youre ever down here in the future.
  8. happy birthday
  9. If i remember correctly Ipswich, England (up the coast from London about 60 miles) has some great shops to buy any kind of seafaring garb you can imagine. it's been 10 years since i have been there but it should be about the same.
  10. glad to hear someone passing along the info on commercial sites that don't own up to their wares.....
  11. aye, here's to the Mary Rose
  12. interesting story. thanks for the entertainment.
  13. would make a good dream i think
  14. anybody see a movie called "Nothing but Trouble" with John Candy, Chevy Chase, Demi Moore
  15. I hope a few from our crew here in Luoisiana will make it this year. Any suggestions to make it a memorable trip ?
  16. Pirates and piresses are still the best in my book
  17. them's sieg and roy fellas are a wee bit strange....good costume though
  18. Any good pirate geocache's out there......
  19. nice booty....
  20. school marm or fiesty serving wench.........you make the call
  21. thank'e for the info. may be see'n ya at PIP
  22. great looking baldric, cost ?
  23. a brother says I (F&AM, York rite, Shrine, OES)
  24. Good example of how to.........Thanks :)
  25. what i would give to have a dream such as that
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