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Bald Sam

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    St. Augustine
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    Findin' a Krewe to join. Learnin' stuff. <br>Www.half-mind.com
  1. Do a google search for blacksmiths in your area. Any one of them should be able to fashion simple hardware from iron bar.
  2. Searles Buccaneers . org is the site with all the info. We've had more and more people every year. It's a fun romp through St. Augustine followed by a jollification at the Pirate encampment set up at the fountain of Youth. Come join us!
  3. Ya could arrghably get a good attendance down here in Florida, specifically in St. augustine....Let me know what kind of numbers you need to make it worth your while.
  4. ----- Original Message ----- From: CaptJack Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 10:51 AM Subject: CALLING PIRATES FOR -- INVASIONS IN FLORIDA Calling Pirates Everywhere!!! RGGGGHHHHH,,,,, fellow Pirates & Wenches : PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO ALL PIRATE NEEDING INFORMATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO START A NEWSLETTER TO KEEP ALL PIRATES/WENCHES & FAMILIES APPRISED OF OUR UPCOMING EVENTS. ANYONE INTERESTED? Please send me your e-mail address so we can add you to our newsletter list. FEB.21, 2004 CORTEZ FISHING VILLAGE -- BRADENTON, FLORIDA Annual Cortez Fishing Festival INVITATIONS ALL AROUND FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO JOIN US IN COSTUME. WE PLAN TO BE REAKING MAYHEM AND SKULLDUGGERY....10 AM - 4 PM @ THE END OF CORTEZ AVE. in Bradenton. COME ONE COME ALL AND HAVE A BALL. JOIN IN THE FUN!!! THE MORE THE MERRIER. **NEW** PIRATE KNEE PANTS WITH A CUFF.......... $20 A PAIR (they were $35 so that is quite a savings!) SIZES RUN MEN'S WAIST SIZE: 32 REGULAR & LONG 34 REGULAR & LONG 36 REGULAR & LONG 38 REGULAR & LONG 40 REGULAR & LONG 42 REGULAR & LONG 44 REGULAR & LONG 48 REGULAR & LONG Note: We have size 30 Reg. & Long & 32 Reg & Long coming in March. The total of pants available will be around 80 pair so we will be selling them on a "first come, first serve" basis. We have no way of knowing if we will ever get this opportunity again. The man who sold us the DISNEY PIRATE PANTS origionally had 500 pair. We have bought his last 100 pair. Some pirate pirate prop and costuming TRADES might be possible if you talk to Capt'n Jack or Wench Betty. THESE ARE NEW **GOLD** DISNEY PIRATE PANTS AND ARE NEW -- STILL IN PACKAGES. IF YOU WANT A PAIR "ONE COLOR FOR ALL" IS AVAILABLE.....50% COTTON AND 50% POLYESTER. WE ARE GOING TO TRY AND BLEACH -- THEN DYE -- A PAIR TO SEE HOW SUCCESSFUL WE ARE CHANGING THEIR COLORS. I'll keep you posted on success or failure. Feb. 28 -- YBOR CITY (TAMPA) from 12-6 -- BE THERE!!! March 12-13-14 -- CAMPING WEEKEND FOR ALL AT BLUE GRASS FESTIVAL......FUND-RAISING EVENT FOR SERTOMA YOUTH RANCH. LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT MORE INFORMATION ON THAT ONE. ALSO: SHERIFF MACK SHADE HAS INVITED OUR PIRATE CREW TO A WEEKEND IN NORTH FLORIDA WHERE ALL THE COWBOYS GO 4 TIMES A YEAR. IF YOU THINK IT WOULD BE FUN TO DO A SURPRISE PIRATE INVASION ON THE CAMPGROUND US ME KNOW. WE WILL SEE IF WE CAN SET UP A PIRATE INVASION WEEKEND. IT IS ALL GOOD FUN. TENATIVELY PLANS: JUNE 12-13 -- ST. JOHN'S PASS FESTIVAL (TAMPA AREA) JOHN LAFITTE PIRATE INVASION &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& COME ONE, COME ALL & HAVE A BALL!!! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Capt'n Jack & His Buccaneer Buddies are planning a tour thru the midwest, north, northeast and New England June, 2004 - September, 2004. Please asked for e-mailed info. on itenary and dates of preformances. Capt'n Jack & His Buccaneer Buddies is increasing in bookings!!! We are excited and from time to time we will need the use of some able-bodied pirates and wenches to assist in the fun. If any of you don't have a costume then come forth......and be dressed! Come help with all the mayhem, pilage and plunder! ME THINKS we now have an ample supply of costuming to help anyone who might not want to show up naked! If you have a costume, but your "other half" (better or worse) does not, do not dispair. Suitable attire for ye can be found on our bus! ANY Medieval or Renissance character will do! Our bus now sleeps 4 adults and (evidentually) 8. The back 8' x 8' is costuming and props. Anyone want to help with painting the Capt'n Jack mural on our bus? We have the diagram and the bus is now flat white and ready to paint. Suppose we throw a "paint party" and invited ALL out for A PIRATE INVASION (bar-b-que) @ our home to paint? ANYONE out there good with an air brush? Costume changes can be accomplished in our bus + it will give us a place to meet and plan our invasion! Just keep in mind that 40' x 8' feets is room for only very limited rapin' can be done if 20 pirates & wenches are inside!!! MARCH 12-13-14 -- CAMPGROUND (SERTOMA YOUTH RANCH FOR MORE INFO: Margaret Longhill (352) 465-7208 TENATIVE PLANS: John's Pass (St. Petersburg) -- Mediera Beach, Florida JUNE 12 & 13 -- John LaFette PIRATE INVASION Note -- These are VOLUNTEER gigs. If you have own transportation and want in on the fun contact us for full details. Show up in own costume (stolen or otherwise) and be prepared for a day (or two) of PIRATE FUN. We feel this is a wonderful FAMILY opportunity. The kids will love it. Steve & Betty Simmonds Capt'n Jack & His Buccaneer Buddies (863) 993-3836 -- Steve & Betty HTTP://WWW.BUCCANEERBUDDIES.COM HOPE TO SEE YA'LL THERE !! (Check out his website periodically for updates !) "Take life's canvas and paint your paradise, then walk in." "So write your own ending, and hope it comes true",,,from "Love In The Library",,,, J. Buffett
  5. Hola compadres.... I've joined up with the Men of Menendez in order to keep everyone up to date on St. Augustine Events. Unfortunately one of them just passed with little publicity, and that was the 'School of the 16th Century', a great primer on 16th century dress, weapons, and black powder training. Lots of fun was had!! Some pirate re-enactors came up from Orlando and conducted pike drills, fencing practice, etc. Too bad it wasn't better publicized. The Menendez birthday coming up is sure to be a walloping good time. I actually have a tentative schedule somewhere. If'n anyone would likes more information....drop me a line at thecaptain@piratehaus.com
  6. Will stop by O'brady's when I get the chance, hopefully this wednesday. The Pirate Haus Inn and Hostel is a pirate themed lodging in the heart of St. Augustine (1 block from the Plaza). We just hosted the Jefferson Long Rifles for the Nightwatch, and they've booked the entire place for next year. (We've only got 6 rooms plus two dorm rooms for backpackers)...that way we can party into the wee hours without fear of annoying anyone. We're the most affordable place in the area and great for kids and groups because most of our rooms have one or two sets of bunkbeds plus a bigger bed. In keeping with the theme of me 'ship' that's run aground, I'm trying to get more into re-enacting, not for history's sake, but for the fun of it, something like Cascabel's done. I don't think I'll go out and spend a fortune on clothes and such (though to participate in some of these things I guess I'll have to acquire some items!) I like dressing up for the kids who come to stay... If any of you are inclined to visit St. Aug, please stop on in...even if you don't stay here , but we've got loads of other amenities (and a wee bit of rum....).... cheers!
  7. Don't forget Searle's Raid in St. Augustine on the 27th of March. I will be trying to join in the organization of the event, or at least keep this board apprised of changes. Cheers from St. Aug. Anyone else on this board live in these parts?
  8. So I took a few daze off and made the long journey to afaireoftherose.com, but alas there was no shopping list!
  9. I'd be interested in one as well...Go Bears! (Cal Bears that is...)
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