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Everything posted by Lumin

  1. Arrr! I can give me own opinion of tha movie. It shivered me timbers! But warn yer young uns, it be rated ARRR! :angry:
  2. My avatar represents one of my favorite things, theme parks and coasters. This is a pic of one of my favorite rides, The Loch Ness Monster, at Busch Gardens Williamsburg Va. The trains rarely interlock as shown in the picture so I took two pictures and later combined the images with Adobe photoshop. Another one of my favorite rides is "Pirates of the Carribean" but i did not have any pictures of that, savvy?
  3. I sure am weird, eh?
  4. ok, this has nothing to do with the subject of the post but here is what i said on TLAPD: arr, there be a yeller jacket comin' t' sting like bowel remover duty, the groggy bilge rat bee, I shouldn't a splacked 'im with a can o pringles translation for those who need it: ah there is a yellow jacket coming to sting me like the sting of intensive labor, The stinky, bad, bee, I should not have hit him with a can of pringles.
  5. haha, thats great!
  6. Ahoy! This may be sounding a bit weird but here it goes. I have made a my own Harry Potter movie called Harry Potter and the Killer Seal, Here is the dilema: I thought it would be cool to make a version with "Pirate" subtitles and I was wondering if you pirates could help me out. Well, here are the words: Oh hey Hedwig. Whats that you’ve got there? A fetus! Hedwig! You know Hedwig, I have been thinking of getting me some new clothes. Maybe some Sean John, or Fubu. What else do you have? Say, Hedwig? Ah! Blimey, you’ve been petrified. Harry, your hair is getting brollick! So, groundskeeper guy, what do you make of this? Beware of the killer seal? I’ve heard about this before. Very scary. They say it has blue eyes, Big hips. (laughter) Well thank you. Goodbye. If you need anything, just holler back young one. Ah, Hermione, help me! No! Sealus Burnicus Where’s Voldemort? I’m right here, and you’d better cast a spell to protect yourself. I’m the one who sent that seal to get you, and now I’m going to get you my self. Rictesempra Expelliarmus Ha ha, ha. Blimey! I’ll get you Voldemort, someday. Some of the words may sound weird but, trust me, it works for the movie. Enjoy!
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