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Special Jimmy

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Everything posted by Special Jimmy

  1. ye, that may be stupid to do that me hartie.
  2. ah, my ol friend lkg, Jimmy be missing ya here, but we will see each other on BFP me sure.
  3. Aye it is! One o' me cohorts had 'is Flemish painter handy and caught me at a good moment on Sunday. I 'ave this one from Saturday, but it's not so much for me as it is for the scenery: http://www.lara-goth.com/otherpics/jillsparrow.jpg It's a bit big, but not TOO much so.. AH, Penny be lookin' pretty like always. :)
  4. I just visited that site a couple of dys b4 you said it.
  5. cool, I just checked out a book called Expedition Whydah. its about the guy who found Black Sam Bellamy's pirate ship. :angry:
  6. Yarrr, what dat suppose to mean?
  7. Yarrrrr, you got it right yarrrr harrrr deee harrrr
  8. Jimmy be definetly interested!!!!!!!
  9. yer skills be amazin' red, arrr and Jimmy tell no lies, truely awesome! :)
  10. sounds like fun, pirate fun......ARRRRRR
  11. anyone and everyone be sure to post ye comment on Jimmy's forums!!!!
  12. ye penny, Jimmy just read some stuff on yer website, ye have a lot of personalities on there. arrrr
  13. yeah, I just put it up.
  14. forgot a part, when his ship sank, there were 8 survivors, they all swam to shore, 6 were hung for piracy, and the last two pleaded that they were sam's prisoners. yarr betrayed sam in a way!!!
  15. yarrr the prince of pirates finnally reconized!!!!! I dedicate a page on my website about him, his life story I say, there will be more coming real soon!!!
  16. Yarrr, that may be the solution next time miss penny!
  17. I still can't get a forum page though, how did you do it lkg?
  18. I just added some new stuff, like a question or comment page!!!!
  19. thanks, anyone else check it out yet?
  20. Arrr, it said coming soon?
  21. Check Special jimmy's new website out!!! http://www.freewebs.com/special_jimmy/index.htm
  22. Yarrr, I messed up, here it is now!!!! http://www.freewebs.com/special_jimmy/index.htm
  23. Yarrr, I also have a site, here it is... www.freewebs.com/special_jimmy/index.htm
  24. A pirate and Harry potter? a pirate reading harry potter? SOMEONE NEEDS A LESSON IN PIRACY!!!!!!!
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