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Cap'n Kisslin'

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About Cap'n Kisslin'

  • Birthday 05/04/1986

Profile Information

  • Location
    The Seven Seas
  • Interests
    Special Ones
  1. Love the transition "My friend Flicka" to "Horse"! Donkey!
  2. Thanks mates, it was a grand ol' time. I even got our "serious" guy into it and he nearly portrayed a better pirate than me.
  3. ^ Well, tonight is hitting a karaoke bar that a friend'll be running. And tomorrow I work and then I might work out. < Also sick of april showers V Passing the question
  4. I'm wondering if it is ever possible to find a ship's steering wheel (helm, I'm sure), or a modified one to replace the steering wheel in me car.
  5. William gave me lots of information about participating in this years PIP. The biggest problem would be that I would be an entirely new wardrobe as my only pirate garb authentic enough would be my sword and pistol. I'm also thinking I should attend to enjoy and observe the festival before participating in one so large!
  6. That's scary when that stuff happens so close to your home. Glad to hear that the cop is okay. I myself is hoping I'm not getting sick and really really looking foward to a day off from work.
  7. Aye, that's quite a creation, glad you found it! Rolling
  8. This be the first I've heard of the PIP. With great efforts I should be attending but mostly as a spectator as I've ne'er done any reenactment work. However, I would appreciate any information on doing reenactment work!
  9. I be servin' your coffee in the mornin' at your friendly neighboorhood Starbucks, mates.
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