Capt Sadie Dread
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across the sea
We have an all female pirate band, always interested in sea shantys, pirate ballads, stage props and all things pirate-y. Ahoy!
Sorry it's taken me a while to reply regarding "blow the man" & "15 men" for blow go to ... http://www.contemplator.com/folk4/blowdown.html 15 men.... http://www.acronet.net/~robokopp/shanty.html by the way, that second site has a great selection of shanty's but the melodies they offer are... like computer generated accordian music or something, but atleast you can get the tune... Also, the NQG - Pirate Song Book is a wonderful publication! Order it quick cause you need to have their "corsair carols" on hand for the holiday season as well as a great rewrite of the Night before Christmas! Yo Ho Ho, Sadie :)
me fine luck i suppose. Naw, i received an email offering it from Buy.com back in september, i ordered it then and received it yesterday - saturday 29th. I thought i wouldn't get it till the 2nd too. sadie
Well, Me ship wasn't sailin to the Key's for all the fun, but at least i came into me cabin to find the Pirates of the Caribbean DVD in me box. Ha! Sadie
that's always a good one!!! Me four year old tells it something like, .. a guy with a redshirt said ready the cannons, then he pooped and had brown pants. You did much better El Pirata, thanks. Sadie
ole Blind, glad ye admitted to that one, what a blast from the past! Anyhow, stichin me own pirate flag i was singin, Hoiiist thA-A Jolleeey Rawgerrrr. My favorites are any songs by Sadie Dread and the Sea Sirens, heard at our practices, and so far heard only at one party. From me crew ye can hear Sailors Alphabet changed into Pirate's Alphabet, All for Me Grog, Another Drinking Song, Drunken Sailor, Blow the Man Down and more. i love to hear about all your favorites and then i pillage your ideas and make 'em me own. Sadie
I am suppose to meet family in the Outer Banks this summer, and looking through various pamphlets and such, any other recommendations, especially other pirate-y sites. Also, within a coupla hours drive any other sites, festivals, etc. Thanks In Advance, Sadie
And one more thing, ain't it funny how in many of the historical depictions of women masquarding as men to become pirates, eventually the woman dramatically bares her chect to some blokes she fallen for to announce her identity. It's so funny to imagine! Sorry to be ramblin so... Sadie
Well, i think a whole discussion could revolve around that book for sure. I read the reviews on amazon before i got it, one review, written by a man bashed it for it's inaccuracies, and he pissed me off so much I ordered it on the spot. It ain't a great book, the writting is.. well... sometimes a bit too academic and others too contrived. I do believe the subject could of been handles better by another writer, but i still say it's worth the read. I too gobbled up books about anarchism earlier in my life, esspecially women anarchists. I guess it's no wonder i fell into a pirate passion. I realize that it is a hard perspective to comprehend, the plight of women during the Golden Age of Piracy, from the modern women's perspective and that so much is romaniticized, but hell, that whole era of history is a bit hard to put your head around now-a-days, eh? Anyhow, if you get that book and read it, please repost and let me know what you think - or anyone else out there, and like I said specifically the final essay on Anarchism. Sadie
From the women piracy books i have read, seems to be a bit of stretching the truth some or at least some authors have a hard time with strict definitions of what piracy is. I really don't care though cause i like to think that piracy was truely an impowering venue for oppressed women in history. The Chinese female pirate that controlled a flett of 2000 junks and had supposedly 80,000 pirates working for her was Cheng I Sao, and was from the early 1800's I think. One book about female pirates that is fun with great illustrations is "Booty - Girl Pirates on the High Seas" by Sara Lorimer. Each woman has a little funly illustrated chapter. The biggy, that i did not see anyone else mention is "Women Pirates and the Politics of ther Jolly Roger" by Klausmann, Meinzerin & Kuhn. It tends to be sort of one of those books that may stetch the definition a bit (!) and the authors take some liberties but it has a lot of information and I felt like it was worth the read. If anyone else has read it, I really liked the final essay on "life Under the death's Head: Anarchy & Piracy". Anyone have an opionin on that essay? (maybe worth a new thread) Hey! We need a female pirate smily! Sadie
Ahoy! We be having a pyrate party on All Hallow's Eve. I need low cost decorating ideas. It'll be indoors mostly. I loved the idea of lava rocks painted gold. Anymore beauties out thar. I be looking forward to your always creative & helpful ideas. Cheers & Thanks, Sadie
Carrie, Thanks for that wonderful link on to pirate dialect! Sadie
It's tough to find, but totally worth the search. It's about 12 year old, THE POGUES - "Rum, Sodomy & The Lash". CHeck it out. You'll be feeling pirate-y after a listen to that, to be sure. Capt Sadie
Me fair wenches & I have a performance coming up and we needs some brushin up on our pirate-y lingo. I was thinking of immersion as the only real way to pick it up natural -like. But since going to Tortuga is out of the question, can anyone reccommend a book, movie or the likes for such. I was perhap thinking thar may-be a book from the golden age which may still be available, if not, a fairly resonably authentic movie i could watch o'er & o'er. whatdya think? Capt Sadie Dread of The Sea Sirens
Thanks so much for the lowdown on Blow Down. But it still doesn't make much sense in the song version i am doing. Oh well, after all the grog we be consuming, no one will understand a word of song. Me hopes... Sadie
'Cuse my ignorance mates, but could some enlighten'd sea dog explain the meaning of Blow the Man Down? Capt Sadie