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About Bridget

  • Birthday 08/07/1985

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  • Location
    The Mayship
  1. It might have been, Im registered on tons of forums, that one does sound familiar.
  2. Mine would probably be a trilogy; The first movie: A group of overtly cute, silly pirates, with a few more serious members, battle against a group of piratical aristocrats, whom are attempting to raid the same city they were after, the aristocrats however are only after a legendary treasure in the towns museum, which the heroes agree to protect, for a price. The second: Our heroes falled their mission, and the aristocrats (hereafter aris.) stole the treasure, after looting everything they could in the panic, they set off to get a little payback, however they are caught in a storm, and become stranded on an island. While repairing the ship, a few of the stars go to explore the island, and find an ancient ruin, after navigating it, and fighting a particularly nasty machine golom, they find a relic similar to the one they lost earlier, they quickly seize it, and return to the ship, which has been repaired. Of course, their is more to it, and various scenes staring the aris. fill in some of the backstory of the treasures their after, and that the aris. already possess two. The Third: Unable to find the aris., the heroes decide to just raid a city to restock the ship, as they leave the ship however, the the crowd begins to burst in to flames, and one of the higher ranking (and most bishounen ) aris. emerges, bragging about the power of his relic. Shocked that he could do something so horrible (their raiders, but goody-goodys at heart. ) the pirates attack him, but he repels them with a wall of fire. In short order, he captures the entire ship, and reclaims their relic. The heroes escape their cell on the aris.'s ship, and battle through it, getting to the captains quarters. Inside the aris. Leader is gloating over his treasures, believing himself to be the most powerful being on Earth. Now being more familiar with magical attacks, the heroes fight against him, and manage to hold their own, Just as it seems they have the upper hand, he collapses to the ground, the evil bishounen from earlier calmly takes the relics from his hands and, after laughing a bit and explaining the true nature of the relics, fuses them together, and jabs the resulting gem into his forehead. After this, the heroes and aris. all begin to hallucinate their worst fears, deepest secrets, etc, and in the end face them, providing more backstory for the characters with less screen time, and developing some symphathy for the Aris. whom were just as appaled as the heroes over the evil bishies murder spree. When they break free of the illusions, the two crew team up and battle against the evil bishounen, whom holds his own quite well, but is eventuall overpowered. With a flash, he vanishes, and the roof of the room begins to cave in. The cast returns to the heroes ship, and watch in horror as the aris. ship morphs and collapses, becoming a gigantic mass with a huge version of the evil bishies face. At this point theirs a massive ship battle, with lots of cannons, and the bishie ship also uses organic claws, and a tri-elemental beam. After the battle, the evil bishie is destroyed, and the relics crumble to dust. I would also want more importance added to the relics, destroying them may have done more damage than good, perhaps throwing time or nature out of wack.
  3. I 'avent done much, 'cept for warhammer shoppin, but I forgot to be talkin like a pirate then. (Dont Keelhaul me, please >_<)
  4. Mine is the face of a fanart of my namesake. (plus catears, and yes, he is a boy. )
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