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Jackie Sparrow

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About Jackie Sparrow

  • Birthday 08/26/1987

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  • Location
    Aboard the Black Pearl
  1. capn sage covered most of it but ill chip in my advice - use a picture which is 64 x 64 pixels - and if you dont know what that is, i can make you an avatar with anything in it, savvy? or of course you can use one of the preset avatars.
  2. i went once when i was a mere slip of an urchin, it was probably one of the funnest days i had out. the location was lovely, and the people working there were really in character. you could get free bracelets from the princess unfortanetly i dont live in texas anymore - i live on the other side of the atlantic now, in england - but i would love to go if i should visit when the festival is in.
  3. charity shops always have something cheap on offer, and im sure you can get a few patches with a skull and crossbones in any alternative shop. or you can always ask a neighbour or friends for things, and if they should refuse, commandeer their cars to the nearest scrap yard
  4. ah, that is very cunning indeed. i will have to look out for it on my fifth viewing
  5. there are only two real mistakes in the film. one is where capn jack sparrow is escaping from norrington and his soldiers and hes swinging round on the rope. when he lands on that bit of wood he then slides down on the rope. he would have had to undo his hand cuffs to get on the rope and off, otherwise he would have been stuck there another is when elizabeth is pushed off the plank and she is then walking up the shore - she is wearing a bra! not that i was looking... it was just noticable!! well thats what i noticed, but i dont think they made the movie worse in any way
  6. i involved myself in piracy and downloaded the whole thing im not much of a musical person - rock & roll suits my soul more. but i have to admit the soundtrack is brilliant. i find myself listening to 'will and elizabeth' and 'he's a pirate' over and over again. its a must for my christmas list and if not ill just go out and steal it
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