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  • Birthday 06/12/1985

Profile Information

  • Location
    Near Gettysburg, PA
  • Interests
    Piracy, maritime history, military history and law enforcement.
  1. Taught me daughter to say Arrr today :)

  2. 'Tis a sad day truly, as sad as September 1st 1862, the day when the U.S. Navy ended Grog rationing *tear*
  3. So sad mates, 'tis sad news indeed, but perhaps the loss of this ship will spark a fire burning in someones mind and heart to 'ave a new one built. *bows his head with the others*
  4. Thank ye all fer yer welcomes! An' MadL i appologize about them wee people... I try ta be shakin' 'em everywhere I go but somehow they still find me... seem's maybe ye had the same peoblem before? I be not sure how to get rid o' 'em, if ye have any advice be lettin me know sir!
  5. Thank ye miss Diamond and Graydog! Of course i'll share me current shipping information with ye' Ya wouldn't think I could *cough* save all them tots meself would ye? More'n 'appy to share wi' anyone whos in fer an adventure like none they're e'er seen before!

    Me and me mates

    Me mates and I in... not so nautical adventure, lol
  7. I've a bit o' everythin' in this 'ere chest mate, treasures from far off an' interesting places from the East Indies to the Caribbean itself. Ye see, a bit o' a rover i been these last years and found meself in many a foriegn port. I 'ave good stock in rum, an' willing I be ta share with any 'ats like meself me hearty!
  8. I play the bodhran, and rope tension snares, that be what I play! Love ta sing as well I do.
  9. Thank ye Miss Syren, I will bear ye in mind should I 'ave anythin' to ask an' thank ye fer bein the first to welcome me, as the song goes, "If ever I meet you by land or by sea, I'll always remember you're kindness to me." aye an' that sits true in me heart Miss.
  10. This 'ere looks to be fine place to bring me sea chest in an' rest a while. Me name's Nick, but plenty call me by Billy Bones! 'Appens to be 'e's one o' me favorite fictional charecters, aye tha' 'e be tha' 'e be. There be not not much I like more then a good ship tay plunder. I been lurkin around the ports 'ere for a while an' by an right I think it's time ta introduce meself! 'Ave a drink on me mates! I be much into nau'ical 'istory, especially the age o' sail, and ESPECIALLY the Golden Age of Piracy! I've a bit of Scottish AND Irish in me 'istory so as ye may guess there be not much I dislike more than the crown of England. Not that I take it easy on any ship tha' 'appens past me, lol. I'm from a town not far North o' Gettysburg Pennsylvania now, but me 'eart belongs to the sea, an' I go there any time I can. If ye would like ta know anythin' else about me feel free ta ask, I be an open book mates!. *buys everyone a drink*
  11. Great Big Seas version of Captain Kidd, they be a FINE group of artists. ~William Bones
  12. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!! Ayem ye be right mate, that did help me feel a bit be'er! ~Bones
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