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Jezzy The Butcher

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Posts posted by Jezzy The Butcher

  1. I love the idea of the Sketch Book project. Wish I'd a known about this back then, but as it is that I travel, doing so many faires, it would be difficult for me to have a good address for everyone to mail to, and the possiblities for damage or loss would be too great. Still, would LOVE to participate in such a project. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of past books. Gave me great ideas for my own.

  2. This list is provided as a roll call throughout the year to gauge the number of attendees who are staying inside and outside of the Fort Zachary Taylor Historical Park at PIP 2010. The attendees will be listed by camp (period or modern) or hotel. Attendees may be a part of any encampment without camping inside the park and interaction during the festival is not limited to camping arrangements. The list merely reflects names and sleeping arrangements of attendees and the list will be updated towards the end of the year with a "confirmed" status for those attendees who have secured their transportation to and from the event. There are many period camps in and outside the fort as well as modern camping and hotels. We would like everyone to sound off as often as they can with updates on when, where and how they will be attending PIP 2010. If you do not know where you will be staying, you may still be posted to this tentative list. Please send me names, tents, hotels, encampment information, etc. Groups will be listed alphabetically by group name.

    For information on the period camps or other arrangements, please see the other threads in the Pirates in Paradise forum, or post your questions here.

    To save on space in the forum, I will also be including the names of the Crew representatives who will attend the safety and official meetings for the event on this list. These are the best individuals to contact for information on each crew and group in attendance.

    LAST UPDATED May 4, 2010 - Tentative List

    Archangel - On the beach:

    Silkie McDonough

    Israel Cross

    Mary Diamond




    Jack Roberts



    Galen O'Keefe

    Buccaneer Encampment - On the beach:

    Michelle Murillo aka Diosa (Goddess in the Bodice)

    Sgt Johnson (Jeff johnson)

    Patrick Hand


    Shay of the Keys

    "Guantanamo Jack" Brass

    Cutter's Crew - On the beach:

    Jaded Jetty

    East Coast Privateers:





    Bloody Bill

    Fairge Iolaire (Island Trader) - On the beach:

    Callenish Gunner

    Salty Pots


    Mercury (1720) - On the beach:

    William Brand (William Red Wake)

    Kate Souris (Kate_Souris)

    Mickey Souris (MichaelSBagley)


    Captain Jim Warren

    Red Jessi

    Iron Jon Washbourne


    Mark Gist (MarkG)

    Anne Coates-Sharpe



    Made Pete

    Silas Thatcher

    Lady Constance




    Pyrates of the Coast - On the Beach:

    Red Handed Jill (Red Handed Jill)



    Animal (he's mislisted on the current docket)

    Drop Dead

    Blue Eyed Scotty (aka Great Scott)


    - Not on the Beach

    Hurricane (Hurricane)


    Sloe Gin

    Double Trouble

    The Pirates of the Dark Rose


    Sacred Heart

    Morgan Drake (Nicole Andreyko)

    Hangin Johnny (Johnathan Chapman)

    Jezzy The Butcher (Jezzy MacPeaks)

    Undeclared but attending in all her glory



    Island Cutter

  3. Lovely? :ph34r: There are a lot of words I can think of that apply to Stynky, but I gotta' say that I would have run through at least 3000 other words before coming up with 'lovely'.



    Awww, be nice now! But, of course, he mighta jess ta been tryin' ta lure me in. Gotta watch out fer them charmin' types. But he did seem quite genuine, afterall.

  4. That's cool! I can see other images, as well. I saw an episode of "Ghost Hunters" where they went to this same place. They couldn't get up on the stairs, either, to investigate tremendous "feedback" they were experiencing, because they were too dangerous. Good hunting, Mate!

  5. Aww...if only I'd known! Well, no matter that this greeting is extremely late, it's still just as heart-felt! Belated Birthday greetings, hugs n' kisses!

    And, Mattie, I hope you get to meet Stynky one day. He's a lovely man to talk with. I truly enjoyed our conversations and hugs. :)

  6. I want to extend my thanks and gratitude to all who made my first PiP experience so memorable. There are truly so many people to name, but I'll keep it down to those who initially were responsible for getting me there. First, I must thank my dear sweet friends, Fayma and Tony, who, for 3 years threatened me with kidnapping and dragging me to "the island" if I didn't find a way on my own! *lol* I love you guys and everyone on the crew of the Sacred Heart. Secondly, I wish to thank my boss, Christine of The White Pavilon, for bringing me down to work with her and for showing me one of the most beautiful places on earth!

    I had a marvelous time playing among my own kind, and meeting face-to-face many of you with whom I've had the pleasure of corresponding online. I enjoyed the Trial, the Auction, the Pig Roast, the Battle and the singing inside "Ole Zach's Pub". I truly look forward to coming again next year and participating aboard the ship and other activities I missed out on this first time around.

    Stinky, m' love, I so enjoyed our conversations. Thank you for keeping this forum going! I promise to visit more often. :)

    I wish all m' Pyrate Mates a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

    If any of you want to stay in touch via facebook, you'll find me not under Jezzy MacPeaks, but under "Sharon Statler". Feel free to send me a friend request and put a comment mentioning "PiP".

  7. You may also want to consider flying into Fort Myers and taking the "Key West Express" fast catamaran to Key West. I looked up fares from Columbus OH to Fort Myers for $238 round trip and the fast cat is like $50 per person. Goes to Key West daily. If you call the number on the Key West Express website, and talk to them, they may even make you a deal, since they are helping with some of the advertising for the festival this year. By the way, for anyone needing rides to or from the airport, Captain Callahan and I will be driving down and will have a great Pyrate (or pyrate hunter) transport vehicle available to pick up folks. Plenty of room for gear etc. PM me with schedule, or call me when you get there, and we can send someone over.

    *Head in hands*, *crying*...Oh, how I wish I were going with you all to PiP! God love me mum, she needs me to be here to help her with all her heart surgeries and such. I wasn't going to let anything stop me from going...even had some offers to work the festival to make some additional $$ while there, but me mum is more important. Besides, who wants to WORK at PiP? *lol*

    'twas good to see you and Tony at ORF, Fayma! Love you guys! Will really hate not going as a part of the Sacred Heart, but please keep me on as a crew member. Ye just never know! I still believe in miracles! :)

  8. Ahoy, Mates!

    I ain't new here, but here's a bag o' coin to buy a round fer the house! I ain't been here in such a long time, but me friends, Fayma and Capn' Callahan did come by and remind me that y'all are still here, so I figured I'd stop by and pull up a seat and see whats been happenin' around the Pub lately.

  9. It's unlikely that Callice flew a personalised flag - the practice seems to have been adopted some time later. I don't know of any period references to Callice's flag, but we can surmise a little from other men of the period.

    Almost every English ship, for example, flew a St. George's cross - even pirates - so it seems likely that Callice did. The bloody flag was also in use at the time, but it's also worth noting that at Cartagena in 1585 Drake flew black flags and pennants "menacing war to the death".

    My thanks to ye, Foxe. I needed to know something as someone is willing to make me a flag to fly, since that was supposed to have been me own father. *smile* Again, thank you!

  10. *Keeping a weather eye out whilst his captain interviews likely crew or those who wish to share what they know for coin. Watches MadL awake from his dream and answer a question asked a while ago as though only a moment had past*

    A ship aye, I can find a ship... [he says]

    *He tries to sneak out th' door in search o' a ship, but since Mcdrago has been watching, does a very poor job of it*

    Git'way ye mangy flea bag...Go..Shooo! [he tells the cat who with a determined look on his bewiskered face, follows him out the door.]

    *Gets down from the bench, next to Jezzy, picks up his cup and drinks*

    Capn', our new bosun has gone a lookin' fer a ship and hopefully a crew as well. T'would appear like we be havin' a mascot as well, since his new puss seems unwilling to be left behind.

    Well, Mate, as long as one of us is out lookin' fer a fit vessel, that'll do fer now. 'Tis good t' have willin' men t' make this recuperation easier. We'll hope fer the best, whilst we wait fer good information. However, I believe our offers may have fallen on deaf ears! No one seems t' be willin' t' come forward.

    *rests her weary head on her arm on the table, wondering what to do next*

    Ye know, Mcdrago, MadL might'a had a good idea in that nap he was takin'. I'm feelin' a bit like meetin' up with pixies, m'self. Perhaps, we should call it a night 'n take ourselves up to our quarters. Perhaps, after a night of stewin' over gold 'n a cask o' rum, there might be some loser tongues a waggin' in the early dawn.

    *stands up, lays her hand upon Mcdrago's shoulder, giving a nod toward the stairway*

    So, whad'ya say, there, Mate? Ready to settle in fer th' night? We'll see what MadL come up with by mornin'.

  11. Welcome., and what ye be butchering bye the way?

    Welcome, ye say? So, how long ye been in this pub? Seems like we been here fer quite a spell.

    *twists her red curls around her finger in contemplation*

    Funny, but I don't recall seein' ye in here earlier, sir. What might ye be goin' by? I be known as Jezzy. And, apparently, ye know what the men be callin' me..."Jezzy the Butcher". I do believe ye know a bit more about me than I've been privileged to know about ye, Sir.

    *Pulls up a chair from an adjacent table*

    'ave a seat 'ere, 'n tell me somethin' about yerself. And, might ye be havin' some news regardin' the fire on the "Bonney Wind" at th' end o' th' pier earlier?

    *Looks up at Mcdrago who's keeping his vigilance stance, rather than to sit*

  12. Aye, lass some one knows somewhat an' that's fer certain. Methinks somethin can be done fer that.

    *Looks over at where MadL and his new cat are sleeping peacefully on the table*

    Nay lass, let the lad sleep. He did after all try ter rescue yer unca bill. A good man he be fer sure. Nay, I dinna ken of any ships. Twas my main reason fer comin' here as ye recall.

    *Pats her hand and then get up and finds the barkeep*

    *Comes back over and then stands on the bench, then raises his voice so all can hear*

    AVAST THERE MATES! If anyone knows anything about what happened on the dock tonight, see me or the lady here. Twill be a gold dubloon fer ye as payment if yer information be of worth.

    *Gets back down and offers his hand*

    I got us a room fer the night. Ye can have the bed an I'll take a chair and sit with it against the door, just in case o' trouble.

    *Takes Mcdrago's hand, trying to steady herself.*

    'Tis a good idea t' find out what these here scallywags might know. I think someone might be tempted by yer offer of the d'bloon. I agree, there has to be "someone" here who knows "somethin'" about that mess at the pier.

    *Stands on the bench next to Mcdrago and shouts*

    A'RIGHT YE BILGERATS! There be more than just a gold d'bloon in th' offerin' if'n ye come talk t' one 'r both of us 'n can tell us what ye know about th' fire! I'll be triplin' Mcdrago's offer 'n givin' ye a barrel o' rum, as well!

    *Gives Mcdrago a wink and a squeeze of the hand, then steps down off the bench*

    Whad'ya think, m' dragon hearted mate? That should loosen some tongues. Now, 'bout that room. Thanks fer settin' us up. I think I mighta stayed up all night down in this pub waitin' t' learn somethin'. Sleep's been th' furthest thought from m' mind. Bless me, but I think ye shall make a worthy first mate!

    *notices a gent heading in their direction. Her heart begins to race a bit, in hopes that the man will offer up some good information*

  13. *Mcdrago sips his rum and smokes awhile thoughtfully*

    Lass.....do ya think yore Unca' Bill was the one who took off with yer ship? Why in Neptune's arse would they fire on another ship an' then sail off that way? A grudge? Thar be a mystery here we be needin' ta solve.

    Either way, lass I be yore man fer certain. Let's drink ta it!

    *Holds out his cup for her to toast thier new relationship*

    *clinks her flagon against mcdrago's mug in a toast*

    Aye, Mcdrago, ye be m' man a'right. Happy t' 'ave ye wit' me. 'pears we mighta lost MadL somewhere in th' din. He ain't respondin' t' us. Perhaps a mug o' coffee would bring 'im back t' life, eh?

    Did m' uncle Bill take th' Dove? If'n he did, sir, I'd bet everythin' I own, granted, 'taint much, however, if'n he did, it was t' save 'er, not to steal 'er.

    So, he'd be out there now, waitin' t' find safe harbor fer 'er, 'n t' send word fer me, I know it. But, if it weren't he what took 'er, then we're gonna have us an adventure trackin' 'er down and gettin' 'er back. Then, we'll be havin' us a Plankin' Party, to be certain!

    We needs t' be askin' around this pub first what everyone knows. And, seein' as there weren't one taker of m' offer to join our crew, I'd say there be a few in 'ere what knows exactly what took place, but they be keepin' there tongues in their heads fer fear o' losin' 'em!

    *places her hand on Mcdrago's and nods toward MadL, passed out on top of his smokey cat*

    'dya think we should get the lad somethin' t' wake 'im, 'r leave 'im be fer th' moment? He'll be needin' his strength once we decide t' set out after the Dove. By the by, my good man. Have ye heard tell of any ships about what might be needin' a good cruise? *wink*

  14. *Fills his pipe and then lights up*

    Firs' mate eh lass? Aye, that be foine w' me. So Unca Bill hove to w' yer ship, did he now? Wal we can get ye a new one. Either by hook or by crook ifn' ye gets me meanin'.

    *Turns to MadL and his new furry companion*

    Mister MadL, the lady needs a crew, an she made me mate. I be takin' it upon meseff ta offer ye the job o' bosun. With yer permission Capn'?

    *Turns to the lady in question, then back to MadL*

    Can ye and yer new puss find us a few good men? Apparently we already have a Ship's cat. First order of business then is ta find us a good cook, Ifn' we have that, then twill be easier to get a crew.

    *tips her head back to accomodate the last bit of rum, then looks at the two men sitting with her*

    Aye, permission granted. Bless ye, Mcdrago, fer steppin' in 'ere. I was thinkin' t' take MadL along wit' us, as well. He seems t' be needin' a home fer 'imself 'n his puss.

    *winks at MadL and looks at him questioningly*

    So, MadL, whaddya think o' th' offer? When I gets me Dove back, 'r if'n I don't, we'll be a sailin' agin soon, one way 'r t'other. If'n the Dove returns, 'n after m' inquistion o' th' remainin' crew, I'm certain there'll be many unfortunate, however necessary changes t' be made. Someone aboard m' ship lobbed that fireball, 'n I needs t' find out who 'n why.

    If the Dove be under a new Cap'n, I'll be seekin' out a new one wit' ye's help. Aye, McDrago, by hook 'r by crook fer certain.

    *flashes a knowing smile at Mcdrago and slams her flagon on the table a few times. looks around the room at the crowd of sailors and makes an announcement*

    A' right men, n' ye lassies, too. First of all, be there anyone in this place what knows what took place b'tween the Red 'n Black Dove and the Bonney Wind?

    Secondly, I'll be lookin' fer a new crew for the Dove, 'r a new vessel, whatever th' case may be. Anyone lookin' fer a new adventure?

    Barkeep! If'n ye don't mind, I'd appreciate another rum. 'N one round fer the house!

  15. *Goes and gets the flagon in question and brings it back*

    Here ya go lass.

    *Hands her the flagon o' rum and waits till she has a drap, then takes a pull hiself*

    Ahh.....now that'll clear out the smoke.

    *Eyes MadL's rescued "uncle bill"*

    Avast mate, that there puss'll be yore friend fer life now. A man needs a good puss ifn' he caint get a dog. Take good care o' him now, ye saved his life an' now it belongs to yer.

    *Turns back to Jezzy*

    Now then lass, what were ye sayin' about me be a joinin' yer crew before all this here brew-hah-hah happened?

    *Cleans and reloads his trusty flintlock pistol*

    *Jezzy grasps the handle of the flagon and grips it tightly. She peers into the sparkling liquid as the smoke clears away, wondering what to do next. She looks up at Mcdrago to see his caring eyes peering at her. She feels a sense of protection coming from him and feels she can trust him, and she breaks a smile.*

    Thank ye, Mcdrago. Much appreciated, 'tis.

    *looks over at MadL, who's fiddling with a smoke covered, drenched cat, while looking dismayed and disappointed in himself*

    Aye, MadL, ye takes good care o' th' "puss", n' it'll be keepin' ye warm n' cuddly at night! Don't ye be frettin' about not findin' me Uncle Bill. I'm thinkin' he be the one what sailed me ship outta the harbor. Just seems like him t' do such a thing, bein' as loyal t' me and that bucket o' barnacles as he be. 'ere's hopin' anyways. She be in good hands if'n that be the case.

    *takes a huge swallow of rum*

    Aye, that takes the edge off m' worries now. Well, Mcdrago, no matter if'n the Black n' Red Dove still be under m' command 'r not, I still can use a good quartermaster. If there be no Dove t' command, I'll be seekin' outta new vessel, fer sure. Only means I'll be needin' to muster me up a new crew, so ye be the first. Guess that would make ye pretty much m' first mate.

    *Jezzy takes another swig of rum and winks at Mcdrago*

    M' greater hopes lie in gettin' the Dove back n' knowin' Uncle Bill be still alive 'n well. I suppose there be no point in goin' out lookin' fer m' ship or the old scudder at this particular time. I'll try t' be patient 'n wait a day 'r two t' see if they come back fer me. If not, then there be a pirate out there what needs t' be findin' refuge, fer if'n I ever find the scallywag what took m' ship away, he'll be findin' the edge o' m' knife against his ear, 'n a gouge of his eye. He'll feel them nine tails o' m' cat, 'n finally swimmin' wit' them sharkies out thar. It won't be pleasant by no means. M' Irish be up 'n hot now. I best just take comfort in this here rum 'n the company of good friends fer a short spell.

    *takes another swallow and begins to feel the effects as she ponders the whereabouts of Bill and the possibility of either a mutiny or a takeover.*

  16. *Jezzy feels a bit less apprehensive as Mcdrago has taken control of the situation quite nicely. Good to have one clear head in the chaos. She worries though, as MadL heads off into the smoke and flames.*

    *She sees a bucket coming her way*

    Thanks be t' ye, Mcdrago fer keepin' me from a near panic. I'm prayin' that th' gods be keepin' m' men and ship safe, but it don't be soundin' too good right now.

    I be supposin' there n't much can be done at this time, but what we be doin' now. Damn MadL. I hope he be safe out there. Would hate t' lose a fine lad fer the sake of m' ship. I'm sher them timbers be about ash right 'bout now."

    *sees MadL storm back in through the door carryin' something squallin' and hissin'.*

    No, Lad, that n't m' uncle bill. God bless yer heart. Now, keep yer scrawny arse inside this 'ere pub until that fire dies down. Don't wants t' see ye turned to barbeque, ye know!

    All right, Lads, MORE WATER!!!!

    *a man enters the pub covered in smoke, spittin' n' hackin'*

    "Damn them blazes!"

    *Jezzy grabs him by the arm and spins him on his heel*

    What ye be knowin' of th' ship what's turnin' t' ash down there, mate?

    *the man coughs a few more times, trying to clear his lungs*

    "Missy, I hear a man sayin' a tussle broke out between the crews of two ships at the end o' the pier. He said it was the Bonney Wind 'n the Black N' Red Dove! 'parently, the Black N' Red Dove hauled anchor n' sailed away but not b'fore lobbin' a ball o' fire from th' deck onto th' Wind!"

    *Jezzy couldn't believe what she was hearing and sat down on the nearest keg. She was relieved that her ship was spared, but angry about the situation. What caused the fight, and WHO took control of the wheel and sailed the Black N' Red Dove away? And, where are they taking her? Will they return after the fire dies away? So many questions...her head is swimming and her ire is climbing ever higher*

    Barkeep! Barkeep! If'n ye can see through this haze, bring me a flagon, will ye, but make sure it be full of RUM!

    *She sees Mcdrago glare at her*

    (**Side Note: Mcdrago and MadL, I just wanted to say thank you for playing along here. If you're wondering why it takes me a while to get back to the story sometimes, it's because I'm on the road, doing the faires in Florida, so I don't always have the time to get back here everyday. I won't leave you hanging, though. *lol* Again, thanks. I'm having great fun with this and it's really nice to have made two new friends/mates!)


  17. ...wonder how mcdrago and Jezzy be gettin 'long wit that barbie? All this ale be mak'n me a might hungry now!


    *Jezzy wavers as the grog, the smoke and the anxiety of a most unthinkable event overwhelms her sensabilities*

    *Mcdrago steadies her with his strong arms and leads her towards the door. He motions to Mad L to come along.*

    *Jezzy peers through bleary eyes at the man bearin' the horrible news*

    Dear god, man, tell me what ye be knowin' of this fire?

    *the man hollers to all, "It appears t' be hellfire burnin bright...all the way down to the end of the pier. Men be fleein' and screamin' somethin'....I can't make out what they be sayin' fer sure, but somethin' 'bout a Red Dove. Be there a ship tied there by that name?"*

    *Jezzy gets nauseous. Her ship is the Black N' Red Dove. Now she knows she must face this nightmare. Fortunately, she won't have to face it alone. What makes her even more ill is worrying that "Uncle Bill" might be in danger...and what of the rest of the crew? What might have been left of it, anyway. Or did THEY do it? Her heart pounds like a drum in her ears at the thought, she can barely breathe, but she manages a deep breath and pulls Mcdrago out the door with her*

    I've got to find Uncle Bill! I've got to know that he be all right. Oh, what have they done t' m' ship?

    *She watches as flames climb ever higher into the sky, causing a sickeningly eerie burnt orange haze against a darkened grey evening sky. Tears well up in her eyes, but she must not give into them. She blinks them back and swallows hard.*

    Mcdrago, what shall I do? What if I never find m' Uncle Bill ever again? Ships n' pyratin' and commandin' a crew is all I've ever known. No, I can't be thinkin' this way. This must be a bad dream n' I'll be wakin' any moment... *sniff* :lol:

  18. Happy Natal Day and all that to someone I'm sure must be a fine Pyrate, er there wouldn't be all this celebratin' goin' on in yer honor. So, even if ye don't feel particularly like havin' some rum, ye choose yer own poison and a round fer the house, on me!


  19. *Pats his pistol*

    Aye lassie, I kin hold me own.

    *Puts his arm around her waist*

    As I be sure ye kin tell!

    As fer signin' on.... wahl, ye seem a foine lass and a fair one ta boot, and ya do brew a bloody good drink as well. If'n ye needs a quartermaster, then I be yer man.

    Me most sincere apologies, m' fine McDrago...I seem to have experienced a momentary time lapse. It must be m' own Scarlet Jezabel that's gone t' me head. I know I've been sittin' 'ere with ye, but it seems as though I've been gone fer days! Whoa...I best be leavin' that Jezzy Grog alone fer awhile.

    However, ye do appear t' be quite the scoundrel, but a hearty man at that, so, I am willin' t' take ye on as a fine member of m' crew, to be certain. Now, what was it I was a sayin'?.....

  20. *Comes to with a start, grabs for his sword....forgetting he stowed it with the barkeep per house rules*


    *Realizes where he is*

    Er....belay that. Blast yer eyes, ifn' ye don't make a mighty fine drink lass. Methinks I best be a drinkin' coffee for the time bein'.

    Ye remind me of me 4th wife, sassy wench she was. Handy with a fryin' pan, dontcha know.

    Barkeep...coffee ifn' ya please!

    Now, now, my dear McDrago. Never ye mind about m' eyes. *winks*

    I can see ye be a solid man of virtue and all and jes what I be alookin' fer. Ye stands straight and I believe I can trust ye with me ship's stores and such. I'll be proud t' have ye escort me back t' the cabin. I'll not try plyin' ye with me potion further t'night. We got business t' discuss n' hopefully, there be a crew still waitin'.

    *the door swings open and a man shouts over the din*

    "There be a fire a comin' from th' furthest pier! I seen wit m' own eyes men runnin' an' screamin', sayin' somethin' about a Red somethin'. Couldn't make out exactly, but I'm guessin' there be a ship ablaze down there!"

    *grabs her goblet, an takes McDrago's hand and starts for the door*

    Come wit' me, Man! I got t' know if it be m' ship and m' men. I got a pain in m' chest an' a dreadful feelin'.

  21. Good ta meet Silkie McDonough! 'an why not anoth'r round it be!

    :Another Drink All Round It Be!:  B)  

    mcdrago, Jezzy The Butcher; Aye them flyboys be a odd lot indeed, why ye knows they even stay IN them birds when they come down?? they gots some much more nerve then this har bird, dn't mind them taken me up but then js't shows me th' plank fer I can come down on me own just fine thankye!!!


    Mad L, ye got a way with words, let me tell ye. *lol* Aye, them flyboys be full of air in the head, I suppose. Well, I even nearly got blown right off the deck of one of them big ships by a low flyer! It was gut-bustin' t' say th' least! But, give me a ship anyday! I enjoy the slow rockin' and even the stormy seas from time t' time t' keep us on our toes!

    Now, ye set yerself right there, child. We don't wanna be scrapin' ye off th' floor now, do we? Wee Faerie Pyrates still flyin' about, ye know. *LOL*

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