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Cpt. William Kidd

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Everything posted by Cpt. William Kidd

  1. That'd be a treat for TLAPD... show up with a thousand deck swabbers an' plunder'n pillage
  2. That' bein' a nice strong ship, yer scallywags have flyin' there, TalesOfTheSevenSeas! Yes, I remember standin' at the helm, too, in the dead of night, only the wind an' the sea an' the stars talkin'... from time time you'll hear some murmured commands from the trusty crew in the sails or you'll hear the hailin' from the lookouts at the bow an' the stern... but otherwise it's quiet, quiet, quiet... Man her truly, fer the art of sailin' is not widely known anymore even on the coasts of this world. But be aware, there be pirates...
  3. Arrrr, ye scurvy scallywags, of course me Avatar was the booty of a darin' raid. We was sailin' the stormy stinkin waters on the internet, ponderin' what a fittin' avatar we could conjur up, when suddenly lightnin' struck the foremast and sent us right down the gorges of doom. Only the top of the mast an' tha lookout crowded with what was left over from me crew pointed towards the cloud-ridden sky and then - lightning struck yet again, this time right in side me brains (that bein' a hurtin' experience, I'll tell ya) and there was the thought, of me early European brethren, feared by (almost) all the wanky seafarers of their time: Red Beard, the pyrate from the Asterix comics - so Idecided to raid their memorial website, grab meself a wallpaper in the process an' cut it so it'd fit in here. An' now no more talking, hand me the mug o' rum
  4. Fer all us European Scallywags that'd be 2 AM GMT (3 AM, even, should you have dropped anchor in Germany)... I assume, you adjust to DST silently?
  5. Arrrr, ye landlubbers! MadMaryFlint, don't dream it, be it! If ya only dream 'bout it, i'll never happen, that' fer sure! Mucky_Pete, weigh Anchors evry day and you'll weigh much less in time! Good luck ter you, fer I'm in the same process an', too, thinkin' about setting sails again next year - probably aboard the Notorious Norwegian (a.k.a. "Statsraad Lehmkuhl") or the Green Ghost (a.k.a. "Alexander von Humboldt") When I say "again", me hearties, I mean again. Fer me not bein' a stinkin' landlubber, I have sailed the seven seas before (well, at least the North Sea, Baltic, Mediterranean and Atlantic) on the Grand German (a.k.a. "Gorch Fock"). Unfortunately bereft of all tha cannons it was no use for mutiny - no chnce fer booty on that. But at least, she was sailin'!
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