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captain LadySlasher

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About captain LadySlasher

  • Birthday 05/11/1989

Profile Information

  • Location
    rhodhiss, northcarolina ( i want me sea!!)
  • Interests
    pirates!!!!!! i would like to become a pirate historian/ documentarist someday.... (soon) im in college at the moment. i love writing/acting/"dreamin'/ and everything else about pirates, the sea and boats.<br>i also enjoy cartoons (80's/ 90's) all 80's metal and sea farin songs. and im still searchin for my true captain. ( okay ill settle for a ship's wright) what?!
  1. me.... peter pan and the pirates that aired on fox in the 1990's... i was just a wee bilge rat back then, and fell in love with pyracy. but i really knew i was pirate crazed when i read peter pan. then thats what started my quest to find real pirates, and when i did i knew i wanted to tell the world they ARE real..... hhheeeeee......... im also a history geek> that could be a part of it too..
  2. eherm.... captain coming through.... what i like: big men. ( "taller" than me and chubby, with big rough calloused hands ) what?! longish hair that signifies a wild, free spirit, ( and no idea what scissors are for. ) loves the sea. ( 100 % obseesed with me and the sea) gotta have the boat ( i dont care if he's poorer than mudd on a pig's back) doesnt have to be handsome ( dislike and loathe pretty boys) doesnt have to be that educated ( ill read ya peter pan) that's about it..... any matches? what?! it was just a question...
  3. that was sooo cute!!!! eherm... i mean that was nicley conducted film. heeee........ captains happy.
  4. are there any pirates in or around rhoadhiss, hickory, or lenoir north carolina??? hello?
  5. yessss!!!!!! i found my profile changer and i added more biography to it... i also added some personal photos! just click me alias.... (name)
  6. :angry: a newbie!!! time for more grog!!! im new here too!! that must mean we should double the party!!! more rum!!! more grog!!! more..... :angry: more! :angry: welcome me heartie!!
  7. than ye all fer replying to me humble message.., :angry: ill attempt to make it to pip, but ill have to see where the wind takes me.
  8. thank you guys sooooo much for replying!!!!! me sooo happy! but id be more happy with some of the captains private stock. heeeee..... well, im 18 and i hail from a little town called roadhiss northcarolina. im trying to go for my history degree in college... at the moment im in cosmotology to support myself when i transfre to unc at wilmington north carolina. my minor is film/ photgraphy, and major history. this is going to sound way off the port bow but...... i wanna be a pirate historian!!!!!!! so i can go to the actual places and document. yester years and today... i know. that was a schock. . i have a younger brother that enjoys my little peter pan and the pirates fan fics i write. but the rest of the family are not supportive in my love of wild, rambuncious men. aww well..... what else should i say???
  9. well, my name is captain ladyslasher {lay-dee slash-shher} ( on the internet anyway ) and if your wondering where it is dreived from..... lady as in n nice, sophisticated woman.... slasher as in total caious, destruction and mass confusion. (he 1980's slasher/horror films) heeee....... im a fan of historical pirates, and j.m.barries pirates .. (peter pan) not really a potc (pirates of the carribean fan)..... well i dont really know what to say..... heres my space... www.mysapce.com/ladyslasher_pirate well till then slash on..... captain ladyslasher " rum and booty donations are always welcome!!!"
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