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About MorganDrake

  • Birthday 05/23/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Cincinnati, OH
  • Interests
    Photography, videography, bellydancing, did I mention PIRATES!
  1. won't be able to make Blackbeards.... sooo depressed...

  2. needs to win the lottery

  3. less than a month for Hampton.... omg I can't wait!

  4. Yes! I am still gonna keep my swords crossed and hope that all goes well in the end.
  5. wow... I think a lot of us have always considered the Fort Taylor part of the festival, to be the main part of the PiP festival. If there is no Fort part, then there is no period encampment or a place for our Family to gather the way we know and love. No offense to anyone, but I don't go to the festival for the Plank Walking (as much fun as it is), or for the Wench contest... I go to camp and spend time with my family and shoot kick ass Pirate Battles! Love the canons and gun powder. I can dress like a pirate and go run a muck anywhere.. This is disappointing.
  6. Haha. Me and johnny aren't in there either. :)
  7. I don't know if it's actually Matt's wife or not, but her name is Sarah. She also works at Pirates Magazine. And I put up some more pics on one of my many pages. u can go to facebook or myspace
  8. ahahahahaha.. oh that made my face hurt. Yeah Sorry. Trying to get a bunch done at once, so I'm not posting 10 pictures at a time on 4 different websites. I know you wanna see what I got :) Get me a clone, it will get done twice as fast :):) Although, if I had a clone.... that'd be a whole other story. I do have a bunch from the Plank Walking. There are honestly about 50 shots of Mad Dogge stripping into his "authentic bathing dress". There will be lots more. Just probably not til after xmas. Sorry guys. Love, hugs and rum.. lots and lots of rum... and apple pie
  9. Did you ask Fayma? She ended up with lots of little things that were left behind..
  10. As long as we have the funds, me and Johnny will be there as photo/film crew again. :) Morgan Drake (Nicole Andreyko) Hangin Johnny (Johnathan Chapman)
  11. You shoulda grabbed me :) I'm always up for good photo ops. We've always got next year. (and Virginia) My lens (thank god) is ok. I think I had a mini heart attack when I did that. lol Oh and Johnny got some KILLER footage. We are working on fixing his computer as we speak (had to put in a new power supply), but we will definitely put something together. :):):) Hugs & Rum
  12. Just got home yesterday. Best time ever! I started dumping all my pics, so I will have some up soon for all you inpatient pirates. lol. And I did get some good sword fighting in the last battle.... soon to come. And props to Mad Dogge for all the good pics! I love my pirate family
  13. I want a 650-1300 lens..... I'm putting that on my xmas list :)
  14. Hello All! Just like to say, that Johnny(Chappy) and I had a Blast! We got lots of great photos and footage and will try and have something posted soon for all of you to enjoy. It will be a minute on the photos. I took about 2000, but If anyone has special requests I can try and do those first. Glad we got to see all our old friends and made lots of new ones! I think the Boney's get credit for the most car alarms set off during canon fire! Hahaha Anyway, can't wait til next years festival, cuz I know it will be bigger and better (if that's really possible) ! Hope to see you all again soon. Love, hugs and rum Morgan Drake aka Nicole Andreyko
  15. Thanks Guys! I haven't been on here for a minute. Out living it up :) and getting ready for Blackbeard. Got my camera in hand and lotsa rum to drink!
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