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  1. Nice to meet you then, lad! Real pirates too eh? Who do you admire the most? More pics coming soon, need to upload them =). I love the family pic of pirates, really a nice one. Keep them coming!
  2. Very nice! I love the whole captain feeling to it :).
  3. Aye, I like to see the real people behind the words. Flambastic, just a word I thought fits the title. Fantastic, flamboyant, etc. :).
  4. Ah! That would of been a laugh to see :). I hope I haven't gone and started something here, I always seem to do that accidently! Apoligies, Sirs and Ladies. BUT anyway, ye all look flambastic in ye dirty garb .
  5. Aye, thank you for your kind words. Because of my age (17) I've always been looked down upon on historical Pirate boards/forums, and based only on my age, some people tend to think I am a Pirates of the Caribbean groupie as opposed to a real pirate fan. She's SEVENTEEN, she can't possibly know the MEANING of real Pirates?! Now I'm most definatley not putting anyone here down, or saying that everyone here does this. It has just been my past experience is all. So, to set the record straight: NO. I am not a POTC groupie in the slightest. True, I enjoy the movies, but real Pirates are my true calling, and have been ever since I visited the Outer Banks in NC. I admire, in particular, Anne Bonny, because I relate to her alot, more than I can explain. So thank you for not judging, and so I shall repost my pictures. And of course, no offence meant :). Thanks again, Toxicadia. Please note: I've only just started out, and as I said, my outfit is HARDLY complete. I've only a few items, not even on show in these pictures. Thank you :) Picture one Picture two Picture three Picture four Fair winds mateys, an' good luck on ye travels.
  6. Too young to be accpeted eh? Knew I shouldn't of posted me pics. Nvm then :).
  7. Aye, that's me :). (GaOP). I do enjoy the films, but I like real Pirates more. Thanks for the warm welcomes mates, Tox.
  8. Watch this space :).
  9. RED RACKHAM [Toxicadia] Statement They be callin' me by th' name o' Red Rackham. I've been livin' on this isle, eresince me Mother put me here. I live jus' on th' outskirts o' town, in a dimmed cottage wi' th' pub owner, Pierre, and 'is Lady Miss. Port Royal, aye, 'ere I call homeport. I never met me Father, he sank t' Davy Jones' locker when I be around 3 they say. A yeller belly too, accordin' t' what me mother whispered t' me. I wear a rin' on a strin' around me neck, one what me mother gave t' me before she passed on. Anne Bonny be th' lass' name. An' let ye be known, that's nay all she passed on. I be known t' be a wick wi' th' iron cutlass, an' a blast wi' th' double barrel pistol. I be yet t' have me own ship, an' be lookin' fer a new crew, as 'tis about time I became part o' one. To thisday, I've been hidin' in th' hull, wearin' hats o'er me face an' hair, battlin' th' navy wi' th' boys. Aye, what a life t' live. I do be havin' a very short temper, which dasn't help when I be wi' me cutlass. Any o' ye scally dogs up fer a bottle 'o rum wi' a lass? Disposition Red is quiet at times, usually when her mind is overflowing with new ideas and tricks. She is generally good natured and mostly cheerful, but has an extremely short temper, accompanied with a fiesty attitude. She will smile if smiled at, and will shoot if looked at wrong. At only seventeen, she has a lot to learn, but with her past experience, and that passed down from her Mother and Pierre, she is well on her way. Friendly to most and violent towards the worst, Red is a lady never to cross blades with. Physical appereance Light brown hair, scarred by the sun. Blue eyes with flecks of sea green and sunset yellow in them, to watch the oppourtunities come her way. 5'7 and 57kgs, she has a slim shadow. Her hips just finishing to develop, they add the womanly touch to her pirating figure. Sun darkened skin, she is a real sea faring lady. Background more in depth Born as a secret love child to Anne Bonny, her Father was none-the-less 'Calico' Jack Rackham. When Anne fell pregnant with her, it was decided between the pair that Red was to be born on Cuba. When the time was due, Jack sailed to Cuba and dropped his love onto the land, where she gave birth to the child. Anne stayed with Red until she was one years old, where on her life long friend Pierre organised for Red to be taken to Port Royal, where he and his wife could provide the care she needed. As Anne longed to be back on the sea she loved so well, she agreed. Anne accompanied Red on the journey. Jack arrived a few days after, meeting his daughter for the first time. They bonded instantly, much like Anne did with her too. 3 days later, Anne and Jack set sail with their crew once more, saying goodbye to their daughter for the time being. And so, Red grew up on port, seeing her Mother and Father a few times a year, as they stopped in at Port Royal. On the year of her twelfth birthday, she heard news that her Mother and Father had been captured, and were sentanced to hang. Pierre, however, knew otherwise. He had heard that Jack had already met Davy Jones, with Anne meeting another fate. Anne had once again fallen pregnant, and was awaiting a trial, spending her days waiting in a dirty cell, a baby growing inside. He organised for a group of his Pirate friends to rescue her. And so they went, arriving back with Anne and her enlarged belly three months after they had first set foot offshore. Anne carried on living with her daughter, Pierre and June until the day she died. On her deathbed, she gave Red a ring on a string that Jack had given her the day they met. Red took it lovingly, placing it around her petite neck. During her five years with Red, Anne had taught her many skills, including how to bargain like a lady using her tools, how to sail a ship, how to kill with a pistol, and particularly how to dice perfectley with a cutlass. Many more skills and experiences were passed on, with Red sapping in every word her Mother uttered. Red still resides in Port Royal, waiting for the right oppourtunity to ask permission. Her dream is to sail avast the high seas, making a name for herself as her Mother once had. She is well on her way, and is willing to try anything that jumps at her.
  10. Ahoy there :). Just popping in quickly to say hello, and to introduce myself. The name, for now, is Toxicadia. I live in New Zealand, and am a very big fan of real Pirates, Anne Bonny being my most admired one. I started off with Blackbeard, but something about Anne just captures me! Anyway, this looks like a great site, thanks for letting me in. Drink up me hartys, yo ho :)
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