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  1. Ahoy mates, On behalf of the Bone Island Buccaneers, thank ye all fer a wonderful weekend. We truly enjoyed ourselves and were most impressed by yer fine festival. We was most pleased to meet Blackbeard's Crewe. The scuttlebutt does ye no justice, mates, as positive as it be. Thank ye fer yer generous hospitality and the good merriment we shared. It were also our pleasure to face off once again with the Archangels, ye blasted hunters and harassers. Papers, eh?! It'll take more than parchment to keep ye safe once we sees ye back in our waters! ARRR. Fair winds and full holds to all, Scarlett Jai PS: http://s287.photobucket.com/albums/ll156/m...06-01-08033.jpg Is their any sight finer than a woman cleaning her weapons?
  2. Most excellent! Would luv to. It would be me honor to trade blows with a pirate as fine as ye. Scarlett Jai -First Mate, Bone Island Buccaneers
  3. Bloody hell, if we have something like this, I'd consider climbin' in fer awhile meself. It'd be great fun to harass the crowd, scare the kids, and beg fer me life from it. O' course, I'd need to be holdin' the keys, just in case me scurvy crewe'd think it'd be funny to leave me in thar aroastin'. Scarlett Jai -First Mate, Bone Island Buccaneers
  4. Brilliant, mate! Scarlett Jai -First Mate, Bone Island Buccaneers
  5. AYE! Swords ablaze, AYE. Close combat, AYE. The Bone Island Buccaneers are already discussing how to accomplish more sword fights & crewe vs crewe fights. Most definitely need more crossings of blades next year! Ideas and plans are most welcome. Scarlett Jai -First Mate, Bone Island Buccaneers
  6. Harry, Askin' permission, eh? Ye sure ye's ready for yer BIB induction as Master at Arms, mate? Ye knows the rule... take what ye can (with cannonfire if possible!), give nothing back! Hazzah! Scarlett Jai -First Mate, Bone Island Buccaneers PS. GREAT TRAILER! I loves the smell of blackpowder in the morning.
  7. Me thinks the only thing I didn't lose at PIP was me mind. Has anyone found a small (pinkie-sized) silver ring? It's got a skull and bones on it. Can't find me new brass compass/sundial either. It was in a small brown leather pouch, last seen around the Captain's Quarters tent. Cheers. Scarlett Jai -First Mate, Bone Island Buccaneers PS. Ye all may want to check with Harry at the Fort in regards to bringing ye animals. Not sure, but State Park rules may have something to say 'bout that. An' please don't be brin' any chickens. We's gots our fair share already. How about a rooster hunt instead?
  8. Ahoy me hearties and greetings from Bone Island. Me buccaneers got to sneak peak Capt. Tony and QM Fayma's pics and they be well worth the wait. Be patient ye scabbarous dogs. ARRRRR I be grateful to ye all for postin' yer fine photos as well, especially since I's too busy to take any meself. Many thanks to all me bretheren who weres able to come to PIP '07. I gots memories to last me a lifetime (or more if I finds that damned fountain of youth.) Cheers, mates, Scarlett Jai -First Mate, Bone Island Buccaneers
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