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About withoutaname

  • Birthday 04/17/1979

Profile Information

  • Location
    brooklyn, ny
  • Interests
    new to pyrate re-enacting, but been (passively) involved in 1500-1600 faires for awhile, along with a high level of interest in history (with a flair for the love of the arts and feminist impact through out time in the roles of courtesans and performance..blahh blahh blahh) I develop training content and materials and actually love what I do but would give it up to escape to a tropical island own a B&B, teach yoga in the morning and run a small ex-pat pub on the first floor at night... dreams shall be taken advantage of when I can amount enough treasure to do them right. In the mean time to satisfy the love of the warm breeze and the clear water I travel with my pyrate as much as possible in search of an island we hope to call home someday.<br><br>New blog (there's nothing there yet!) http://almostescaped.blogspot.com/
  1. I received my book today! And everything inside it is awesome!
  2. Kate's and Cassandra Seahawke's books went out, thanks to my other half, this week.
  3. Oh, I have had little trouble flying with any of my sailing gear or reenactment gear although I do not carry anything with powder or that could be fired.
  4. Airtan announced recently nonstop service to Key West from Orlando once a day. Not that I don't love jetBlue (shameless self promotion- since i work there) but the flights from Orlando are cheap but at dumb times. And no, I can't get free tickets.
  5. that's because i have dropped off the face of the planet. between a month in salt lake city and 3 weeks in Orlando for work followed by the purchase of a boat which is need of more repair than I would like, I haven't been home nor will I be home for more than a few hours until the 10th of October since I am headed south again soon. I do have two books: Kate Souris, and Cassandra Seahawkes. I can send them along with no contribution tomorrow or they can both go out on Oct 15. Callenish, let me know.
  6. A couple of years ago I purchased 2 from her also, custom made for my shortness. They are comfortable and beautiful, non PC, but so pretty you'll find a reason to wear them!
  7. I currently have no books, and I am about to leave town for Utah until July 3, and will not have access to my mail. I am worried about falling behind in the exchange. BTW, any pirates in the great salt lake out there?
  8. ok, how is it that you 2 got busted for lemonade? And how is it I avoided the gentleman at the gate when i was certainly consuming more than innocent water?
  9. I sent out pyrateleather's and ransom's last sat, both arrived on 5/13 since I know for the next 2 weeks I will be basically out of town and unable to work. I do not have the next book yet.
  10. well about 24 hours after my last post, i got really sick with the flu. basically, for 2 weeks (and catch up this week) I have been on automatic, work, home, sleep, repeat. It was one of the worst flu's I ever had. In fact, I still am coughing up my left lung every morning. I am sorry I have totally dropped the ball. I am finishing Ransom's book this weekend will send on Monday to Callenish.
  11. books are both here, pyrate leather's will be sent out by the 15th.
  12. oh no, please hold off a few days, I haven't gotten through the last 2 I got about 15 days ago!
  13. I don't think we'll be makin' in this year, as I already know my project load from mid-summer through next February and it pretty much equates to not having any time off. No promises of aye or nay as of yet but we will probably not know until last minute this year.
  14. I'm not dead, but it's like I am Crew on a boat that won't let me leave, literally, my weekend are gone and then my real job expects me to be there during the week and send me to far away places and work there. not a bad deal, but everything else is falling by the wayside. So here I am, slowly re-emerging from the crap of work that's been dumped on me at work, and thankfully going on vacation to Cali tomorrow :) I have 2 books which I got about 2 weeks ago: Ransoms and Pyrate Lether. I send out Partick Hand's to Callenish on Friday, he should have it today. ransom's book will go out in 2 weeks unless, I have down time while on a boat next week.
  15. no book yet, just adding the update. been away for awhile so i guess it all works out. back to the pub am i!
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