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James 1337

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  • Location
    Tampa, Florida
  • Interests
    Photography, sailing, Pyrates
  1. I don't want to bombard this place with pics, so here are a few good ones. And you can click links at the bottom for more. All the pics are in three sets on Flickr. Pictures of Pirates walking around: Pirate Photos at Levique 2009 Fight Circle Photos Levique 2009 Bohemian Fire Fire Show Photos Levique 2009 It was a fun day out there on Saturday. I wish I'd been able to get there earlier in the day.
  2. Looks like I've missed the tide for Key West today. I think the alcohol could sense it was being abused and struck back. The thought of sober pyrates is scary so I better make sure I get a round in you all. As for me: Pyrates are big on my strip of the beach. Florida Pirate Festival, Levique Days and Gasparilla are all just up the road. I also will be getting out to BARF many weekends this year. We even have the Buccaneers down here. They range from blunder to plunder each year though. When I can find a boat I go sailing, when I can find shore I try to keep the Canons on target.
  3. Photos from the Florida Pirate Festival I just got into the forum, so here is a belated photo gallery. I'm going to try to make it to the next event as well. Some of the fun.
  4. Splash Drinks are always on the house. We just have to kick in the door and find out where they hide it.
  5. Permission to come aboard just sounds too navy. I am a new arrival in the forum here, and figured I should post in the Avast Ye section. My home port is Tampa, and I try to get out to take pictures at the local events. If you like a pic in one of these galleries, click on it again and you get the large size. Florida Pirate Festival 2007 photos John Levique Days at John's Pass 2007 photos Sample of Pirates I've pointed the Canon at. I have half a mind to head down to Key West this weekend, but I still have to arrange lodging. High-speed internet access is beyond a must, which is limiting my options. Any advice, pyrates codes, or off the bulkhead remarks welcome.
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