Sir Pete,
I didn't know about the cross but I do like it, and especially in that place. And as I posted, I didn't say it was your backside.. you have LadyB to keel-haul for that.
(hides a smile) you danced devinely or maybe devilishly, Pete. I can see you dancing at Port Washington with a lady or two for the crowds.
and I'll see about removing the booty shot of you. You surprised the heck out of me showing that off..
BTW, I have several shots of the tweeners. I'll see abt getting some more pics up tonight. We had 5 inches of snow and now I have a cold. It hurt to shovel the walk today.. and I have to get up at 5 am on the morrow... dang lottery; Wishing I could win it. A gob's life for me.
and who are you, Piwo?? please introduce yourself to me!