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Everything posted by Merrydeath

  1. get to your cream or get you to cream? Sorry couldn't resist. Keeping a good thought for you. too obvious.. but interesting to think about. :)
  2. can't sleep the pirates will eat me can't sleep the pirates will eat me can't sleep the pirates will eat me can't sleep the pirates will eat me
  3. pick you, Doc? Takes a finger of whip cream and sucks it off, then takes another finger full and holds it out.. who ever is first to get to my cream, can have the first lick.. (I'm off to my hometown for my da's funeral for a few days.. let the lick-off commense and I'll deal with the winners.. (plural??) when I get back.)
  4. I think I know those Rogers.. no not like that!
  5. hmmmmmmm... there are some here who can spill the navy beans and tell on me.. I get funny and dance weird, get a bit flirty and kick up my heels, and then I go to sleep. zzzzzzzz
  6. thank the cat for me being up.. he likes to sleep near me and then purr.. loudly... and there are things on my mind.. sigh
  7. I"m not sure what kind of models you want, but you might want to try the pub that had the Capn Morgan troupe there last year. If not, I can lend a hand to be on a bike in me boots and tights. I had a bike about 20 yers ago.. I miss her. (sniff)
  8. Drambuie.. (funny riddle for kids.. where do pirates eat lunch? at the I-Hop!)
  9. sigh.. I guess that the pot of warm chocolate sauce is just going to go to waste then.. and not spread all over the lasses here, to tempt Doc to eat his fill (not Phil, that would just be wrong) I do have that button that says.. "You, me, whipped cream and cat o'nine tails.. any questions? " now just where would I find a manly man to play in the cream With?? (looks coy for a moment, then drops it to smiled wickedly) Jenny.. dont' just lay there.. breathe deep!
  10. ok.. you win the undead portion of the talent show.. when I travel to Nebraska I leave after work at 4 pm Friday. Get to Nebraksa and the faires there, have a grand time, then leave at 4 am to get to work on time Monday at noon. Its getting so the gas station people know me.. argh.
  11. chicken dance and a little pototo on the side.
  12. fans Jenny where she is laying about, her hair spread out and her breaths coming hard... walk along, nothing here to see.. not a purty pirate alaying on the ground...... (psst, Jenny, I'll hold em off as long as possible, but you ARE a loverly lass!)
  13. yawn....... slept like the dead.. or undead, and then read a book. It was chilly and rainy today.. and I played hookie from packing. yea!
  14. soft lips to kiss the neck.... warm hands to hold my cleavages... arms solid enough to hold when night falls... eyes that twinkle at a randy joke.. and a heart that beats true when I slumber.... amen.. and a man.
  15. by all that is unholy I swear I will have a pin that says.. or maybe more then one.. my weapons are concealed but not peace-tied. weapons of mass-distraction yes they are nice, yes they are real, and no you may not find out. ----------------- and Doc.. we are dangerous but then the danger is worth the price. Who wants to sleep during the passionate times? Ever lick chocolate offen a woman's tummy and then get reciprocated?
  16. oh merde.. just looked at the clock and I have to be at 5 am and its 1:30 now.. poop deck. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  17. and just a note on wearing scents.. make sure you wear it as a fragrance and NOT a marinade. :)
  18. too many to say, but especially Vanilla and Cinnamon, and a new Convertible. then again, my new grandson smells pretty good some of the time. Brute.. Antonio Banderas -spirit.. Ralph lauren 'Blue", a fresh lime Margarita on a hot day, a steak when you're really hungry, my mom, laundry off the line.. Key West after sunset.. someone's neck when you snuggle with them at night.
  19. I'm bringin more of my Pirate Punch.. btw, the lovely woman who gave me my first bottle and recipe for that lost her spouse last month.. he had an asthma attack and then died of a heart attack.. great man who dressed as a fairy king and knew the Chinese language.. and could dance a mean gavot!! He will be missed.
  20. we werent talkin about love.. just a friendly case of lust. chin up, Ladyb.. if I could, I'd have his horny ass on my pike and his head on the beach for volley ball.. say the word!
  21. Callenish Gunner.... our owns Scots pirate.
  22. more info please, matey.. you seem a bit invisible to us
  23. welcome lass.. and a round of drinks for ya on me tab, but dont tell the others, they think I havnt a sou. Tis a GRAND hat and matching blouse.. you'll do fine here with the likes of us pirate lasses and plunder bunnies.
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