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Everything posted by Helios

  1. I agree I think it is still a pretty cool ship..... I'm sure no one would turn it down if it was given to them.... Hahaha! And the price is pretty good considering some of the other over priced ships I've seen.... All in all I give it a 6 of 10!
  2. Well I tell you what I appreciate all this here hospitality..... I think I will stay for awhile.... It's nice to find a place that your kind ar welcome..... I hope to entertain you folks and to be entertained as well!!!!! Hey is anyone here into LARPing? I actually play AMTGARD in SouthEast Texas. For those who don't know it is a Live Action Role Playing game similiar to SCA but we have magic classes and play with much safer weapons. Anyways we run around beating the crap out of each other with foam swords and it's a blast. You get a heck of a workout and it's a great stress realiever if you had a hecktic week at work or school. I could sit here and go on for days but I will just give y'all some of the links and let ya go check it out for yourself: (A link to the wikipedia version of Amtgard) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amtgard (The Kingdom of the Wetlands official site) http://www.amtgard-wl.com/ (This is the Amtgard Atlas click to see if there is a park near you) http://www.amtgardatlas.com/ Or you can just google Amtgard and click on whatever you find necessary..... Well ye scoundrels, I be glad ye welcome me to your home and please feel free to ask me anythng ya want and I sure be trying to answers it for yas.....
  3. Well even though this is a interesting way to occupy your time by asking people what they have eating I suppose I will entertain the topic...... Unfortunately though I am at work and have eaten nothing..... Starving is what I am doing.... My stomach is trying to eat me left kidney and me right one is fighting it off.... Aye..... could eat a whale I could!!!! Can someone throw me some scraps please.....
  4. That is really sad.... I was just watching a re-run of the show the other day.... And I had no idea that this had happened..... Yet again the confirmation of life being to fragile and so easy to change in a blink of an eye!!! I pray that her family is able to pull through this tragedy.....
  5. Good a to ye all! I stumbled across this here Pub and decitied to pop me head in for a gander. So far I like what mez seez. I am new to this here place but I hope to make it me new get away. That's if ya's will take me of course! I am in the Marine Corps and am overseas right now so don't get to enjoy being myself. But aleast I can be with me people here and maybe make up for the lack of crazy people like me back home! Hahaha! Feel free to message me anytime.... I will try me best to answer as often as possible! Once again it is great to be here..... ***Farwell for now***
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