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About Mucky_Pete

  • Birthday 11/03/1973
  1. Just to close the thread, and put matters ta rest, I got me package yesterday. Not only did they resend a new package, but they added a free T-Shirt in there for the inconvenience. Parrently they have had a great year, and wi service like that, I ain't suprised. Recommend em to all of ye.
  2. Ye were right Mr Munky. I got a reply today. Cheers for yer help.
  3. Cheers Mr Munky, ye have put me mind ta rest fer now. It just made me wonder, cos it took em no time at all fer em to reply to me initial email regarding me order, but now they have me cash, they ain't that quick at responding. I will carry on wi me quest :)
  4. Arrr it be a sad tale. I have used this company before and got me a fine T-Shirt ta display me piratical affiliation, however, I ordered somethin on the 12th March and have not seen or heard from em since they took me hard earned pieces o eight. With me living in England I expected it to take a while, but it's been a month an a half wi no sign o me booty arriving. Worst thing be I am not gettin any replies to me emails that I send to them. Anyone else had any trouble with this company? Anyone else tried to contact them recently and not got a reply? Yer assistance be most appreciated.
  5. Mayhap he could be visitin The Cutty Sark and be bringin ye a treasure from her holds.
  6. There be one thing ye be missin out on. the Cowboy's diet o beans. Now that can't be healthy fer onlookers Gi me weevil encrusted biscuits an rum any day
  7. Cheers fer that Merrydeath. I ha put em up on that there website. They be on the last page o the new pics, titled skeleton jack 1, 2 an 3
  8. Mailed em matey, hope they be what yer lookin for
  9. I found some fer ye, I will mail em, cos I aint got a website ta pop em on 'ere
  10. Arr, mirfield do exist, twixt Leeds n Huddersfield. I used ta be a Leeds resident, then Huddersfield, then Leeds, then little ole Mirfield.
  11. Blighty be England.
  12. I be from Blighty, residing up North in a place called Mirfield. There be a canal nearby, but there be no much room fer mighty sailing vessels.
  13. I just ordered Issue 5. If any of ye English swabs need to get yer mitts on a copy, then I get em from here... http://www.comix-shop.co.uk Look under the Indie sections and you should find the latest one. I think you would need to phone them for back issues, but the phone number is at the bottom o the page.
  14. Pirates of the Caribbean won a BAFTA. Unfortunately it wasn't best actor for Johnny Depp. It wasn't best special effects or screenplay. It was for.... Make up and Hair. Make up and friggin hair! I can picture it on the Poster... Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - The Monkey in a Fez. Sequel to the Award winning* film, the Curse of the Black Pearl. * bafta for make up and hair. Heres hopin the oscars are better.
  15. Wierd that cos I never have any problems. I used to be Cap'n o The Sea Dogs, but like Mr Munky said, it takes a lot o commitment to keep the job now the games gone public proper. I gave the Captaincy to someone who was on ALL the time, and now I am just First Mate. Means I can have more fun...
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