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LilyWhite the Pirate Queen

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Posts posted by LilyWhite the Pirate Queen

  1. Aye, lass! Good plie 'o loot!...and, if'n ye 'ave no use for the caulkin' mallet, sail 'er my way! (19th cent. wooden hammer thing)......... :lol:

    Aye! that be what itsa called! Deck seam caulkin' mallet!

    Ah...but who be sayin' I have me no good use fer it?

    It make a finer and more threaten' weapon fer gettin' me First Mate to do his job. :lol:

    Certain better than all them Non-firin' replica flintlocks I own!

  2. It's a mite hard for me to say what period I be projectin'.

    I have ta say, "fantasy" period fits it best, though I have a lot O' stuff in the 17th-18th Century catagory.

    As me First and Best mate says, "there be a fine line between History and Entertainment ...that we have all but erased!"

    I had ta take a peek in me bedroom, to figure out just what I have in me collection...(can't be a callin' it a kit no more, on account of thar bein' no work for us pirates for a while now...hope that's a changin'!)

    Me bedroom(shared with me First Mate) has a theme...and is chock full o' more collectable pirate crap than a theme park souveiner shoppe.

    So, I got me:

    abouts 10 shirts, 8 bodices, 2 long coats with gold buttons, 1 long coat in black, 6 hats, with varient plumage, 5 skirts, 4 pairs O' trousers, 3 pair O' black boots(but me bucket boots disintergrated from wear)

    for weapons I gots : 2 cat o' nines, 4 1/2 swords, 16 daggers, 1 belayin' pin...and some sort O' antique wooden hammer like thing from a 19th century wooden vessel.

    Then thars 4 large chests, numerous uncountable smaller boxes, an oak cask, bunches O' flagons, too many pewter mugs andcups , 2 compasses, 2 brass spyglasses, a sextant, an astrolabe, 4 large iron locks and keys,iron shackles, way too many jolly rogers, writing kit with 2 feather quills and inks, 7 lanterns(includin' two actual antique ship lanterns)2 map and chart cases, and I be sure...many more things I be forgettin' ta add.

    'course I not be fool enough to carry ALL this with me, on any given raid...but it be nice to have a choice...and a large collection from which ta pillage from!

    I gots me enough ta outfit an entire crew...now alls I need is a ship!

  3. When i finally get me own boat...I have a few names that I be needin' to choose betwee'n...

    The Golden Silence (because stealthy silence be golden!)

    The Avarice

    the Keelhauler

    or the Winged Endeavor

  4. But I almost got up and walked out of the theatre when Depp said "Savvy" in "Once Upon a Time in Mexico".

    Ah...you too eh?

    When Jonny said savvy in Once Upon a Time in Mexico, I admit I burst out laughing at the sheer silliness of it!

    It's become something of a joke around my house to end every query, question, or random statement with "Savvy?" :lol:

    BTW Yes...I am a 7th Sea Freak...ya might have spotted me hangin'around Revanants!

  5. On Friday, I went out wearin' me best tricorner'd hat, and me pirate coat, and wandered down to me lake, to find someone...anyone.... to talk to!

    But there weren't no one around...so I went back home and sent incomprehensible e-mails to all in me address book!

    Figure's If a couldn't be a- talkin' like a pirate in person, I'd be doin' it on me computer.

    Sorta sad...really.

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