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LilyWhite the Pirate Queen

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About LilyWhite the Pirate Queen

  • Birthday 06/06/1969

Profile Information

  • Location
    Near blue waters of Geneva Lake,in Wis.
  • Interests
    Pyratin', Plunderin', Pillferin', Pillagin'...and fishin'(for compliments)
  1. Aye! that be what itsa called! Deck seam caulkin' mallet! Ah...but who be sayin' I have me no good use fer it? It make a finer and more threaten' weapon fer gettin' me First Mate to do his job. Certain better than all them Non-firin' replica flintlocks I own!
  2. It's a mite hard for me to say what period I be projectin'. I have ta say, "fantasy" period fits it best, though I have a lot O' stuff in the 17th-18th Century catagory. As me First and Best mate says, "there be a fine line between History and Entertainment ...that we have all but erased!" I had ta take a peek in me bedroom, to figure out just what I have in me collection...(can't be a callin' it a kit no more, on account of thar bein' no work for us pirates for a while now...hope that's a changin'!) Me bedroom(shared with me First Mate) has a theme...and is chock full o' more collectable pirate crap than a theme park souveiner shoppe. So, I got me: abouts 10 shirts, 8 bodices, 2 long coats with gold buttons, 1 long coat in black, 6 hats, with varient plumage, 5 skirts, 4 pairs O' trousers, 3 pair O' black boots(but me bucket boots disintergrated from wear) for weapons I gots : 2 cat o' nines, 4 1/2 swords, 16 daggers, 1 belayin' pin...and some sort O' antique wooden hammer like thing from a 19th century wooden vessel. Then thars 4 large chests, numerous uncountable smaller boxes, an oak cask, bunches O' flagons, too many pewter mugs andcups , 2 compasses, 2 brass spyglasses, a sextant, an astrolabe, 4 large iron locks and keys,iron shackles, way too many jolly rogers, writing kit with 2 feather quills and inks, 7 lanterns(includin' two actual antique ship lanterns)2 map and chart cases, and I be sure...many more things I be forgettin' ta add. 'course I not be fool enough to carry ALL this with me, on any given raid...but it be nice to have a choice...and a large collection from which ta pillage from! I gots me enough ta outfit an entire crew...now alls I need is a ship!
  3. When i finally get me own boat...I have a few names that I be needin' to choose betwee'n... The Golden Silence (because stealthy silence be golden!) The Avarice the Keelhauler or the Winged Endeavor
  4. Ah...you too eh? When Jonny said savvy in Once Upon a Time in Mexico, I admit I burst out laughing at the sheer silliness of it! It's become something of a joke around my house to end every query, question, or random statement with "Savvy?" BTW Yes...I am a 7th Sea Freak...ya might have spotted me hangin'around Revanants!
  5. On Friday, I went out wearin' me best tricorner'd hat, and me pirate coat, and wandered down to me lake, to find someone...anyone.... to talk to! But there weren't no one around...so I went back home and sent incomprehensible e-mails to all in me address book! Figure's If a couldn't be a- talkin' like a pirate in person, I'd be doin' it on me computer. Sorta sad...really.
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