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Raphael Navarro

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  1. "Certainly not! Without trade, who would pay for all these nice uniforms my brother wears." I drummed my fingers on the back of the chair, upon which my brother sat, "I believe dear brother you are in my seat." Juan Francisco did not stand immediately, but he did vacate the chair, which amused Senor Tar.
  2. Senor Tar's party seemed tense, hungry no doubt. "You must all be hungry, where are my manners. Allow me to say good-bye to the other capitans. I will have your servers start the first course." I rose from my chair slowly, as there were many busy hands beneath the table. "I promise you will not need your knifes for the first course." I finished standing and directed the waiters to serve my guests.
  3. "Senor Tar you no doubt recognized capitan Cardona, the capitan of the next Tierra Firme fleet. Capitain Nunez, the capitan of the guard fleet." Jacky smiled and nodded. "Ransom, did you know your dinner companion has helped chart many voyages for us? And I am happy to report we have never lost a treasure ship using his charts." I said this for the benefit of the spainish capitans.
  4. "Senor Tar, mañana I will send an escribano to tally the cargo para determinar el quinto." Ransom looked as if she did not understand, "Pardon me, I will speak in English only. I was just saying to capitan Tar that I will send a clerk to tally the cargo so we can determine the tax." She nodded.
  5. I heard what Jacky Tar said, but I was taken in by her appearance. "Ransom... Senor Tar, says you are a capitan. Perhaps you will capitan a ship for the Navarro's one day?" A grinning sailor an a short woman in a blue dress approached us, "Senor Tar, more members of your party?"
  6. As I rushed in to the hall to greet my guests, I addressed them all, "Dé la bienvenida a mis amigos! Sorry I am late." I approached Jacky Tar, an a very attractive red haired woman, "Senor Tar, introdúzcame por favor a su compañero de la cena." He said something about a ransom, "Sí, I am sure she was worth every penny, but what is her name?
  7. "Diego go now, and tell me hermano that cena is at eight and to not be tarde." Diego was trembling, but he did not move. "Alright, tell Capitan Navarro that Señor Tar will be there, if he still wishes to speak with him." Diego bowed and lead his men from the docks. I turned back to Señor Tar, "You will be joining us for cena?" Jacky smiled, an said, of course. "Bueno! I'll will make arrangements and you may dock su nave mañana."
  8. I chuckled at the turn of events, shouted to the driver to stop. I did not wait for the coachman to open the door. Bounding out of the carriage and pushing my way past the disoriented soldiers, I spied the barco pequeño. The barco was within ear shot, so I hailed her, "I was told you were muerto!" The man at the tiller answered back, that it was only someone's wishful thinking. I yelled again, "I trust you are ready to deliver my mercancías!" They tied off the barco, and I went to greet Señor Tar.
  9. I turned to my mayordomo, "So, my brother was wrong, again. He has exaggerated the demise of Señor Tar. The Navarro pennant was sighted in the puerto, flying from the mástil of the Relentless." I grabbed my coat, "Fetch my carriage, ahora!"
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