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  • Location
    Central Oregon
  • Interests
    Reading, Computers, art (not capitalized), crafts (cross-stitch, sewing...) , music, movies...
  1. Alpha Home Entertainment has released 2 dvds of episodes from the 1956 television series - there are only 4 episodes on each dvd, but at least they are available for around only $6 per dvd. I keep hoping for the entire series to become available in the US the way it is in the UK, but so far no go. Didn't see any prior posts on this, so thought I'd mention it. I've seen them listed at DeepDiscountDVD.com, Amazon.com, and at the source of Oldies.com. Fair Winds....
  2. http://www.armsofvalour.com/miva/merchant....Category_Code=P I just don't know if it is fight ready. I've had good luck with this company.
  3. So, not being terribly Hollywood savvy... from the time they start shooting POTC 2/3 till 2 comes out in the theatre will be how long? (approximately...) Is it a whole year ? More? <Coming up for air from tax season... talk about pirates....>
  4. Oh, another place to shop (aren't I just the helpful lil' pyrate...???) At Barnes & Noble, I found a book (it claims to be a children's book, howe'er I found it in the regular fantasy section...) by Tanith Lee, entitled "Piratica" - the subtitle is "Being a Daring Tale of a Singular Girl's Adventure Upon the High Seas". In the bargain section, I found a small book called: "A History of Pirates: Blood and Thunder on the High Seas" by Nigel Cawthorne (it was priced at $7.98) Yr' humble elf...
  5. I was shopping at a wood-working site I frequent - (well, it does no harm to look, right?) and found some nautical items of interest. The web site is http://www.leevalley.com and they have neat tools for woodworking and for gardening, and they have reprints of books, and other neat things. However the interesting naval ones are the following: 1. 2 wooden ship models (they are skeletonized, but look nice) to assemble. The set of 2 sells for $22.95 (yes, that is $22 dollars and 95 cents) - the Cutty Sark and the Santa Maria. I found them by searching for wooden ships. They are supposed to be intermediate level. 2. Books. They have quite a few naval books - I couldn't resist the 'Sailing Ships at a Glance' book for $6.50... quite a few reprints. 3. They also have a bosun's whistle (British Navy) reproduction. I quit looking around at that point, as I'm trying to not spend any more until I've plundered a gold galleon or something. Have a great time shopping everyone.
  6. I haven't had a chance to watch them, but "A High Wind in Jamaica" and "Pirates of Tortuga" just came out on dvd recently...
  7. That's wicked, Cap'n Morgan! Absolutely Wicked....
  8. Rumba-Rumba, You're naughty. No, no... Stynky... she's *intelligent*.... :) (I'm surree that's the word I'm looking for...) <heh heh>
  9. It would be fun, wouldn't it? I would hope it could be arranged for after April 15th, as I have to deal with real pirates... er, well the IRS, and our office is truly busy before then. :/ Of course, I may need to win the lottery...er somthin', to afford said trip...
  10. I have two of their cd's (got one at Pirate's Cove {aptly named, they take it personally there} on the Oregon Coast, and one from DeadMenTellNoTales.com) and really enjoy them. Haven't seen them perform, alas....
  11. Make that 2 hankies... those are rather heart-wrenching stories. I did like the one about the boy who wanted to be a pirate - what a great way to have an adventure.
  12. Has anybody else seen the video to "Girls Lie Too" (or something like that - I don't watch CMT much at all) - I was surfing through and screeched to a halt when I saw Captain Jack! It's rather a fantasy video by Terri Clark (I think that's her name...) I'd like to know who plays Captain jack in it....
  13. Huh, DVDfile said the specs weren't announced yet - maybe the Hometheatre guys were guessing.... ?? It would have to be very special for me to fork more money over - (don't get me wrong, I really like POTC - I'm just sorta short o' the ready, right now...) And, as to LOTR - yes, there are reports that some time in the future (i.e. AFTER King Kong gets done in 2 or so years) that Peter is planning to release a super extended edition of all three movies. So, if you want to live without it for a few more years (and trust Miramax & New Line) don't get the current EE's of the three movies. I do hope you've rented & watched the extended cuts tho, 'cause they really make a difference to the story line. Me thinks the movie studios have nothin' on a bunch o' pyrates...
  14. I note that Amazon.com has Long John Silver Vol 1 & 2 for like $5 or so each... You suppose all 26 episodes are available? As Best Buy doesn't exist in our part of the US (actually nothing much in the way of anything is anywhere near here...) I can't go look. Amazon says it'll take 3 or more weeks to get them... Just a thought.
  15. Ya' know, I've always heard about the rebel yell, read lots of books on various raids, etc... but it never crossed my mind to wonder if there were any extant recordings. That is about the most hair raising, chilling sound I've heard... Can you imagine a crew of rebels comin' at ya yipping like that? It literally made my neck crawl... Thanks fer posting that link!
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