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Remington Bedgoode

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About Remington Bedgoode

  • Birthday 06/06/1966

Profile Information

  • Location
    Wiscasset, ME
  • Interests
    Oh Dash and Bother! I find many a good companion about the coffee houses of Covington Gardens. I fancy the discussions of theater, fashions and trade which keep me quite content. <br><br>However, I am not opposed to spending a small fortune on a pretty little flower now and again. Though I shall admit that I pine for one pretty maid! (sniff) Oh, I am a fool!
  1. This day was not going well at all. First, Remington was late for his meeting down at trades office; then he got an ear full of distressing discourse about his father’s business matters here in Port Royal, not to mention the demeaning himself with the unpleasant business of asking for an advance on his allowance until the shipment of sugar arrived back in England’s port safe and sound. Now he was kept waiting for almost a quarter of an hour for this woman. He glimpsed her up and down for a moment. It was obvious that was pretty and that she was exactly how the bartender at the inn described her, yet – her manner was blunt and somewhat rude for her character. Perhaps this was part of the act, he thought to himself. He did request ‘a certain type’ of woman and by the look of things he got what he came for. “I knocked upon the door, yet your maid servant must be out. It is very bad taste to keep me waiting.” He watched as the woman in the pale blue mantua quickly rushed by him and tried the door. He watched her try the latch then, turned her body against the door to hide her struggling. “It sometimes sticks, I shall try again.” Within seconds the woman opened the large wooden door. “Do come in…” Her tone now was much more pleasurable.
  2. Grabbing hat and gloves, Remington quickly left his lodgings to make his way to the warehouse district. He darted about the heavily trafficked streets of Port Royal trying desperately to make his appointment on time. As he dodged between carts and wheelbarrows; all he could hear rambling in his head was the very stern tone of his Father constantly berating him for his lack of punctuality. He winced for a moment, almost tripping over a young girl hawking quinces. “Damn creature!” He muttered as he regained his composure. In the last block of his journey, he suddenly became aware that he over exerted himself. The warm tropical climate made it unsuitable for his attire of silks. As he entered the clerk’s office, an elderly gentleman looked up from his ledger. Remington’s glance to the clerk was cut short as he pulled his lace handkerchief from his pocket. The evidence of perspiration now showed across his brow and lip. “I have an appointment with Master Dev…” “You’re late.” Snapped the elderly man. “Wait here…I’ll let him know you are here.”
  3. With a sudden bolt, Remmie awoke with a start from his bed. "What the?!" Suddenly he remembered where he was and whom he was with. "Blast!" He whispered to himself as he sat up in bed. The sandy haired whore rolled over slowly. "What is it? What is the matter?!" Remmie quickly grabbed his purse. "It's morning and I must away. Here," he said thrusting a few coins into her hand. "now go. I must make it to the docks before 9 this morning." The sandy haired whore threw on her petticoats. "Will I see thee again, sir?" "Not likely." He muttered as he tried to find his shoe.
  4. Name: Remington Bedgoode aka: Remmie (father and mother pet name for me) Birthplace: Canterbury, Kent/England Age: Youthful, but old enough to know better! I am accustom to frequenting coffee shoppes and brothels of Covenant Gardens. I do fancy a good play such as “Love for Love” – yet, with all this, my life is empty and unmeaningful. Adventure is what I seek! A dare was presented to me and therefore I took it with pleasure. I am to travel to Port Royal and obtain various goods for my family's business - yet, while there, I cannot help think that this journey will open new experiences for me! Above all, I seek out a woman who my Uncle has requested information from. This journey shall be a most exciting one!
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