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Juan Francisco Navarro

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Everything posted by Juan Francisco Navarro

  1. I watched the short squat sailor pace in the court yard. "So, Senor Tar is not willing to accept my generous offer." I remarked, and crumpled the letter the sailor had delivered. I turned to my aid, "Round up the dutch sailors and find the one they call Spoons. It seems, he is going to get his ship, after all."
  2. Senor Tar followed me to my quarters, and I invited him to sit and have his drink. "You are probably wondering why I have brought you here." He nodded and remarked he didn't think it was to share a drink. I smiled, "No Senor Tar, I have a proposition for you. My informants tell me that when you leave Havana, you intend to sail to the Dry Tortugas and Florida, to recover Spanish gold." I waited for his response, but Senor Tar just sat there, calmly sipping his drink. "You of course know that any Spanish property recovered is subject to seizure by the Spanish authorities? Spain takes a dim view of treasure hunters." "However, I have in my possession expedition papers bearing the seal of Charles the II, himself. Giving me permission to command an expedition fleet, with ships yet to be named, and recover Spanish treasure believed to be held by the natives in Florida." Senor Tar set down his drink. "I offer you the chance to lead that expedition on my behalf, and will allow you to keep ten percent of any gold you may recover. You and your crew will receive an escort to protect your interests and those of the empire."
  3. To the crews of the Relentless and the Rakehell... Leaving so soon! Mi Amor by Benise
  4. I answered Ransom's remakes, "¿Desagradable? No! I have enjoyed your company very much. I would hope before your business takes you away, you'd allow me to show you my hospitality." Softening my expression, I said, "Nate is well trained, and that was no threat, just a invitation to a little manly competition. Surely, dueling has not completely disappeared outside the empire?" It was odd Senor Tar had remained silent, and not attempted to fight in Nate's stead. Perhaps Senor Tar knew Nate had sword skills, and could match me? "Mi hermano y amigos, I leave you to your dessert and coffee. I must depart." To show there was no hard feelings, I took the sword back and placed it in front of Nate, "A gift!" I bowed to my brother and left with my men.
  5. Despite his incoherent mumblings and evidente discomfort with his surroundings, Nate did not reach for the sword. After sittin again, Nate lifted the twisted rag from his lap and dabbed his dry mouth. "Perhaps out of professional courtesy Nate, you might not want to eat the chicken!" I returned Nate's gaze, and waited for his reaction.
  6. As I stood, I noticed the sailor Senor Tar called Nate, glaring at me. "Nate, you are a man of action, no?" I glanced at the twisted napkin in his lap, and asked, "Perhaps you would like to show your companions how skilled you are with a sword?" I signaled to one of my men, took his sword an placed it on the table in front of Nate.
  7. "Mi pequeña muchacha, my men often visit ships which are not Spanish. It is our duty to protect this port from pirates, smugglers and malcontents." I lifted the goblet in front of me and saluted the newest member to this conversation.
  8. "What are you implying, Senor Tar? How could I or anyone know you were not aboard the Relentless?" "As for my men, I knew you would come ashore sooner or later; so, I sent a party to intercept you, when you did." I thought, 'A nice bluff Senor Tar, did you really think I would drop my guard and answer the questions you really want answered.'
  9. "My men were ordered to collect Senor Tar, for questioning. A formality really, we needed to know why his ship had arrived in port without Senor Tar aboard."
  10. "Negocio, Senor Tar! No, I have come to see why it is that my dear brother's mere presence causes my men to fail to carry out their orders!" I took a breath, and composed my self, "My brother often puts his nose in my business, and puts his business before anything else." I turned my rapt attention back to Ransom, "Senor Tar once delivered my brother from a sinking galleon. Later, at a dinner like this one, he offered me a lesson in swordplay." I touched the scar that graced my cheek.
  11. "Sí, el vino es excelente... Pardon me, yes the wine is very good." ¿Dónde está mi hermano? "My brother should hear this praise, Ransom."
  12. "Why no señorita, this is not my tabla. But gracias, I would love to join you." I took my place at the head of the tabla. "Sí, woman such as yourself are rare in Havana. Red hair and azul eyes, are very rare indeed in Havana. And as you have only one pretty head, my eyes have no other head to turn too." I acknowledged Señor Tar, "You have excelente taste in dinner compañeros." I was envidioso and smiled politely to him.
  13. Wet... naked... and hungry? Sounds like beginning or ending of quite a partido.
  14. As I stepped out of my carriage, I saw several familiar faces preparing to leave my brothers hacienda. "Gentleman what is this, was the food not to your liking?" Capitan Nunez stepped forward and explained it was not the food, but the other dinner guests that hasten their departure. I scoffed, "Then your loss gentlemen, a good meal always trumps bad company." I left them and headed to the partido.
  15. "Si, senor. I beg you not to report this to Senor Navarro." The Capitan's padre would not be happy. "Hombres de nuevo a los barcos!" This would not set well with the capitan, but what could I do.
  16. "Senor Tar, Capitan Navarro gave me orders to secure this vessel and cargo." I swallowed hard, "Senor we were told you were dead!"
  17. "Se retira es alquitrán del senor!" Yelled the young officer. "Senor Tar, it es you! Move aside ahora." Someone had lied. The capitan of the Relentless lives!
  18. Word came back to the Capitán that señor Tar was not aboard the Relentless. Also, that certain things aboard the ship were not in order. Bills of Lading could not be produced by crew members. The long boat was missing and several crew members were locked up. I turned to the messenger and said, "Tell the teniente to seize the ship, and question the remaining crew members. I want a full accounting."
  19. (The Relentless sails into the Havana harbor but does not go un-noticed. Word is sent to Capitán Juan Francisco Navarro, at the Castillo de los Tres Reyes del Morro.) The young soldado delivers the message to the Capitán. Capitán Navarro seems to enjoy the news and replies, "So señor Tar has returned, send a recepción party to visita him, ahora!"
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