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Everything posted by BloodandBones

  1. Aye, me thinks I came off a litle gruff with my initial introduction...te tell ye de truth, I be comin off a nigh rough journey on the seas and wasnt in de mood fer dealin wit the bilge rats at dat moment. So, I be comin here now to offer to buy de bar a round or two...(throwing gold and silver on the bar) so, belly up and order what ye will, me hearties! drink up, for ye know not when it could be ye last! Dont take me invitation to drink me rum and it WILL be yer last. BloodandBones
  2. I be buyin meself a round...in fact, Id appreciate it if ye would buy MINE. But seeing as Im new to the pub, BARKEEP - Rum all around. I be buyin the house a round!
  3. Dusk sets on the Pub. The usuals are bellied up to the bar chugging their grog. No action today, or so it seems. And then all Hell breaks loose as a new Captain strolls into the Pub with guns drawn. "Aye, Matey's...they be callin' me Ol' Blood and Bones ye bilge rats! If'n ye would like to find out why, just test me, me hearties! Me thinks ye will know soon enough as to the reasons, but for now, fill me mug with some of ye finest rum. I be in de mood fer drinkin' now, not shootin so you scallywags can breath easy". Back to business as usual...
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