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Isabella Gage

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About Isabella Gage

  • Birthday 07/03/1984

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    Being devoted to my loving Pirate of a husband, Lazarus; also, tending to my critters
  1. I knows a good pirate when I sees one. (you had me at "dubloon")
  2. nice peice! what is you favorite sytle or designs to tattoo? (i'm guessing not tribal or barbed wire armbands??? )
  3. polly OBVIOUSLY wanted a cracker. jeez!
  4. Congrats! My house is turning into more and more of a menagerie. My to dwarf puffers (fish, obviously) died yesterday for some unknow reason, so today I am going shopping for a new tank inhabitant. We'd love to see pictures of the new addition!
  5. I believe that as well, but I have somewhat different circumstances for incurring the parent's wrath (particularly my mom's) for my tattoos. She's ok with mine but she doesn't like them. Her step dad abused her in every way possible, including using her as a guinea pig for home-done tattoos. So, it took alot of guts for me to even get my first one, I even waited till I was 21. Most of my friends had been allowed to get them when they were 16 (which I think is bs, and even though I have tattoos, I'd make my kid wait till they were 18). I've always loved them, the art and expression. I'm just kind of worried about this one, since it is so affirming, and public. I don't regret it a bit... I'm just waiting for the storm. Not to say the storm will stop me, it won't. I have many other tattoos planned. Again, this is why I've been on my own since 17... along with the fact that Lazurus lured me out of a full ride to college and a brand new Mustang. (Now that's a man!)
  6. i had to share some stuff here!!! i'm a total picture sharing addict. i call this "caught in the act": some pics i took at the grave yard across the street from our house: and now some favorite funnies: ok, i'm done
  7. Thanks Bonie! I am wondering how much flack I'll catch for it being on my forearm. All my other tattos are t-shirt and jeans coverable. I figure at the least my mom and dad will flip... but that's why i moved out and bought my own house now isn't it?
  8. Thank ye kindly to everyone, sorry I didn't see this sooner, but I have been rather pre-occupied with my new piano Lazarus got me
  9. I kind of have a star theme with all most all my tattoos. I've always liked stars, always doodled them, etc. As far as nautical stars go, I like them, but they are very popular. If you like it... get it, getting a tattoo is a big decision. EMO: back in the day (like five years ago, when I was in high school) I was totally emo. Used to be defined by listening to "emo" music, short for emotional. Dashboard confessional, the get up kids, alkaline trio, jimmy eat world, weezer... all that counted (back then). You typically work black glasses (mine were actually rx) and dressed sort of dorky/vintage. It wasn't cool to be emo then... now it is. But emo music has also manily evolved into "screamo" music which is i guess supposed to be emotional but screamy??? i don't care for it a whole lot. I had read somewhere a while back that it was common in the gay community (mainly lesbian) to get nautical stars on your forearms, kind of as a badge of identity i guess? I don't know, I just remember reading that. As for sailor Jerry... I like his style, mainly because it's classic and colorful. i have two tattoos that are sailor-jerry esque. Here's what I've got. (not finished) (memorial for my gramma, in horrible need of retouching and fixing) (alakline trio logo, a bit distorted in the pic) (lotus on my lower back, my favorite and i feel best peice of work) (my first, kind of sailor jerry-ish, bad pic though) (and this is the newest, originally, the idea was to get a crossed cross and anchor with a heart at the intersection of them, because that was traditionally placed on sailor's gravestones (meant faith, hope, and love)... but where i was getting it, i nixed the cross and put the three stars in to represent the trinity) so there's my experience!
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