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Father Brandon

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  1. Yeah, I would at least hope any new pirate Movie that comes out after POTC would be original or unique. But thats pretty hard to do with a pirate movie.
  2. Arg, most of those movies are over 50 years old.. After POTC I hope more Pirate Movies will follow.
  3. Yarrr, This List be good.. thanks for the help ye Guppys! !
  4. YARR! That be a mighty Rum Holder if it causes your hands to type like that! ye must have been excited!
  5. Yarrr ! I be needing one of these, what ye say... "Musical Pirate Ships" I would want one that sings "Yo-ho, Yo-ho A pirates life for me"
  6. I'll add Sonata Arctica to that list! those are all great bands.
  7. I would be going, but I only have 210$ in me wallet and no job.. yarrr I be a broke Pirate.
  8. happy Birthday ScallyWag, May Saint Elmo's Fire be glowing up ye mast day and night to guide you through troubled waters.
  9. And Does any soul Know if "The Princess Bride" has a decent amount of Piraty stuff in it? or if it be worth the time to watch it yarrr.
  10. Rum?!?! Wheres me Grog !
  11. *pushes over table and starts brawling for the grog that was being toasted*
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