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  1. When do ye know when yer ship be sinking? ARRRRR! When Yer grog begins to taste salty !
  2. Arrrrrr, a mighty list endeed!
  3. ARRRRRRRRR! Soon ye be as old as capitan black beard himself! Come by to the ye ol tavern for some grog matey!
  4. ARrrrrrr but what be a good pirate movie?
  5. May any scallywag out there know of a good pirate movie? (other then pirates of the carribean: curse of the black peral)
  6. Nothing like some good ol grog!
  7. YArrrrrrr matey, that there be some l337 speech
  8. ARrrrrrrrrrrr! whats with this, "Getting into the spirits of things." Avast ye land lubb'n cowboy! Me spirits be rid'n high all times.
  9. Arrrrrrr! what be all tis Rum and Margarita's! WHERE BE THE GROG! AVAST YE RUM! RAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSK
  10. Grog for all the the "grog mill" sever, (pirates vikings and knights, hallife mod)
  11. May not be the traditional Pirate music, but here be two great bands Luca Turilli Rhapsody Great Guitaring and very well put together, great adventuring music for sailing that seas and whatever other adventure ye be com'n across.
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