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About graceomalley

  • Birthday 01/31/1965
  1. Yo, ho ho ho! My favorite Christmas pirate song comes from the old radio show "the Cinnamon Bear". As sung by Captain Taffy - Candy, ho Candy, ho There's candy to the starboard Sing Yo ho ho And a bottle of pop! Grace
  2. In my Gaelic class this week, we listened to a song by a group called The Wolftones. It is a song about Grace O'Malley! "Oro, Se Do Bheatha Abhaile" Grace
  3. Mad Maudlin. Yarr! I greatly desire meetin' ya, as I too am here in Portland. I humbly request you and your family to attend the pyratical divertissement that is "Avast Ye" Grace O'Malley Sea Queen of Ireland
  4. The land address be NE 22nd and Oregon! Grace
  5. A reminder for all you Portland Pirates, See my post above for the "Avast Ye" art opening, paintings by Thomas Webb. Iron Tom has been busily putting paint to paper for 5 months, and is ready to celebrate! Costumes encouraged!!!!!! See you on November 1 !! Grace O'Malley
  6. Yarr!! I spent most of my doubloons on a pirate queen dress for Bogg and Salty's Festival de Piratas here in Portland.... I be using the dress again for my young manjacks school Halloween carnival, for all Hallow's Eve, and for the November 1 art opening, "Avast Ye!".
  7. November 1, 2003 2-5 pm Urban Grind Coffee Roasters Portand, OR "Avast Ye" Art Opening Paintings by Thomas Webb, based on and inspired by the music of Captain Bogg and Salty (The band will be playing as well) Costumes encouraged!!!!!!
  8. Ah, I be hopin' someone would know about me favorite pirate band, Captain Bogg and Salty http://www.boggandsalty.com/bogg/ They be the best around! Plunder and Sun weekend coming up, and November 1 they will be playing for my first mates art show opening. (That would be "Avast Ye", paintings by Thomas Webb, based on and inspired by the music of Captain Bogg and Salty) This be in the beautiful Port of Portland, OR. They be the best! And some nice lookin scallywags they be as well! Grace O'Malley
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